2Days to Vegas info & screens!!!

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The screenshots look very impressive!

The story centers on the main character, Vinny, who has to travel from New York to Vegas in two days - hence the title (we could smell a fun road trip brewing here). Vinny's objectives are yet to be specified but Loo promises that the game would be as immersive as (or far more immersive than) GTA. Wait, we could already hear gamers' protests. The comparison is a given, says Loo, as 2 Days to Vegas also has open ended sets.

Anyway, 2 Days to Vegas is a third person shooter reportedly inspired by movies' impact on people. Think of how you feel after you leave the movie theater, though that depends entirely on the movie you watched. The road trip will take players to a virtual trip across America as the locations and cities are of stunning detail (check out the screen of the Brooklyn Bridge).

An in-house game engine was used and would feature global lighting and HDR lighting. They also included a "garbage generator" to simulate the clutter on the city streets. Talk about attention to detail. Loo comments on the Blu-Ray as a distribution media, "Blu-Ray solves a lot of our problems." With that much detail and content on their hands, they might just have trouble fitting it to one disk.

From one of the screens (the pole dancer one), its obviously set in Vegas, but if there really will be a roadtrip from NY to LV and the fact that the developers are free to use all the sapce of Bluray whereas Rockstar just admitted they are having problems with trying to fit GTA4 on the DVD for X360, GTA4 needs to watch its back!

Its this game, and Eight Days - 2 action shooters I'm really looking forward to on the PS3.
The game looks great. It seems like they may actually hit the graphical mark they were aiming for back when they showed this game two years ago. But, and a big but is that the developers are unknowns whose previous games are mediocre or flops.
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