3.55 on PS3 which does not have 3.55 stock firmware?

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i was thinking
1.pop the hdd which came with the ps3 out
2.pop a new hdd in the ps3
3.install OFW 3.55 on a Flash drive to the PS3
is it possible?
If only life was so simple. The OS is not completely on the HDD so this trick will only work for firmwares below 3.55 :/
@kauzy - sorry man, I have no clue of any contact in Pune who does that. Might want to wait for others to pitch in.
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i tried olx and vivastreet.. but they seem too dubious :P

even mumbai will do if you know anyone..
@kauzy , E3 flasher, is it available online? I am guessing it is not available or something. i can help you with the hardware mod only if I knew what is to be done exactly. I ll give the article a read and let you know.
E3 flasher is available online for around 100$. However its only compatible with older Phats and very few Slims. Furthermore, you have to be very careful while using the E3 Flasher as it can break pretty easily if not used properly.

It would be better if you got it done at a professional for 3k ~ 4k unless you're the adventurios type.
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