So! We get here once again. One month ago, it was the buzz of the 3200+ and the 3500+. Every machines dream and every high end machines jewels.
But technology moved on. And for News, the dual core processors from AMD are gonna be out in India by June. So we have a AMD 64 X2 Core Processor 4200+ priced at $500. We should expect some price fall too.
I am really fed up with every change thats thrown and has to be picked up. The only advantage is that it would go with a nforce4 mobo, so no new mobo. only new proc.
But technology moved on. And for News, the dual core processors from AMD are gonna be out in India by June. So we have a AMD 64 X2 Core Processor 4200+ priced at $500. We should expect some price fall too.
I am really fed up with every change thats thrown and has to be picked up. The only advantage is that it would go with a nforce4 mobo, so no new mobo. only new proc.