CPU/Mobo 3200+ and 3500+ (939) are now Officially Outdated

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So! We get here once again. One month ago, it was the buzz of the 3200+ and the 3500+. Every machines dream and every high end machines jewels.

But technology moved on. And for News, the dual core processors from AMD are gonna be out in India by June. So we have a AMD 64 X2 Core Processor 4200+ priced at $500. We should expect some price fall too.

I am really fed up with every change thats thrown and has to be picked up. The only advantage is that it would go with a nforce4 mobo, so no new mobo. only new proc.
not really.
Expect the prices to be high and supply to be really tight.
In india not many people will go for CPU costing 25-30K.
3200+, 3500+ have a lot of life left in them. Specially for gamers. It wont make huge difference to gamer until we see the games that will start depending on multiprocesing.
funkymonkey said:
not really.
Expect the prices to be high and supply to be really tight.
In india not many people will go for CPU costing 25-30K.
3200+, 3500+ have a lot of life left in them. Specially for gamers. It wont make huge difference to gamer until we see the games that will start depending on multiprocesing.
I agree ! Beside AMD have themselves said that gamers better stick with the single core processors for gaming, the multitaskers might benefit from the Dc's.
Hmm gamers are better off with a better Video card then a better proccy. And 3500+ are not even available in the market yet forget about them being outdated.
I prefer SanDeigo over Venice just because of the 512Kb extra cache & a more better ddr controller [than venice]

Imagine when you overclock 3500+ SD you can match the performance of
FX-55 and upcomming FX Series.

a FX-55 also beats Intel Extreme Edition.
Clawhammer-1mb cache
Newcastle-512kb cache

it was stated that clawhammer was to perform 1-5% faster than newcastle but in real life benchmarks i think newcastel core also stormed ahead atleast in some places.

Similiar might be the case of san deigo.

also,venice 3200 with proper / additional cooling may be able to do 2.8 ghz or more and at this speed it may defeat the fx 55.

Also,when venice 3200 hasn't come to india,winchester,venice,san deigo 3500 have not come to india how can they be outdated.what is the source?
The Anandtech review is kinda imprecise when talking about the availability of dual core AMD64s. It says:

"The Lineup - Athlon 64 X2
As we mentioned earlier, the Athlon 64 X2 isn't going to be officially launched until June. While AMD is purposefully vague in their discussion of availability, it looks like their plans are for system builders and OEMs to offer Athlon 64 X2 systems in Q3 of this year and for retail availability to be in Q4 of this year. "

Launch is in June and will be available by the end of this year? :huh: :huh:
and to add to that, performance previews are out.
And FX-55 is still the leader in ghaming performance. Thats says it all.
And these DC are gone be priced in excess of $500 which is more expensive then Intels fastest DC is gona be.
AMD is gona charge premium for their DC at least for now as they thing their single processor chips still beat dual core Intels in most cases and the dual core is gona be for those professional who really need multitasking.
Count_Down said:
Launch is in June and will be available by the end of this year?
Yep, Launch is nothing but a mere paper launch giving a demo of the product.
By the time they actually ramp up production and produce enough procs to put up on store shelves it should be a couple of months later.

AMD seems to have done a U-turn on pricing of late. A company once considered for the budget-minded now seems to be quite expensive. According to AMD Roadmaps, Dual core Semprons are expected too , hopefully those should be more within reach :)
Aces170 said:
Hmm gamers are better off with a better Video card then a better proccy. And 3500+ are not even available in the market yet forget about them being outdated.
Yup!!! Basically amd64 3000+ is only required for gaming provided u have a gud gpu.Not much game performance due to high performance cpus.
Depends on which games you play.
Some games really depend on what kind of CPU you have.
UT series is perfect example of such game.
With more than 10 bots in a team, if you have CPU like 2.4Ghz P4 you will really get choppy FPS even with latest GPU in UT2k4.
So Both are important. Specially now. If CPU wasent that important A64 would have been flop ;)
funkymonkey said:
Depends on which games you play.
Some games really depend on what kind of CPU you have.
UT series is perfect example of such game.
With more than 10 bots in a team, if you have CPU like 2.4Ghz P4 you will really get choppy FPS even with latest GPU in UT2k4.
So Both are important. Specially now. If CPU wasent that important A64 would have been flop ;)
Nope works perfect on my pals XP 2000+ on a Radeon 9800 pro. ONS Torlan with 32 bots and all settings max at 1024*768 (albeit any AA or AF) gets a max in 50's and minimum around 30, smooth no probs.
Doom 3 is a very CPU intensive game though.
Thats the difference. anything below 50FPS in UT2k4 and for me the gameplay is not smooth, its jerky, specially while sniping its pain.
You may be used to that Frame rate but FPS does deep into low 30s if you have anything less than 2.8Ghz.
I game at 1024x768 4XAA and 8XAF. And I had 2.4C when game came out. I had to oc it to 3 Ghz to get consistant framerate.
UT is 100% CPU limited. there is no big difference in last gen and current gen cards on the same processor when it comes to UT2k4. It needs better CPU to get better FPS.
Now I never drop below 60 with AA and AF enabled.
Thats the difference. anything below 50FPS in UT2k4 and for me the gameplay is not smooth, its jerky, specially while sniping its pain.
Seriously anything over 30 FPS is smooth for me, even while playing online, the game being jerky is more due to insuffcient RAM reducing AA and AF helps a lot in that case. And you snipe in UT2k4 hmm....
funkymonkey said:
Thats the difference. anything below 50FPS in UT2k4 and for me the gameplay is not smooth, its jerky, specially while sniping its pain.
You may be used to that Frame rate but FPS does deep into low 30s if you have anything less than 2.8Ghz.
I game at 1024x768 4XAA and 8XAF. And I had 2.4C when game came out. I had to oc it to 3 Ghz to get consistant framerate.
UT is 100% CPU limited. there is no big difference in last gen and current gen cards on the same processor when it comes to UT2k4. It needs better CPU to get better FPS.
Now I never drop below 60 with AA and AF enabled.

^^Agrees totally. But UT at that res, u gotta be kiddin ;-). Whenever i've played UT, its always been 640x480 lowest for visibility reasons more than anything else. Hate those trees and crap when actually playing. Against bots its okay :P.
Hmm...didnt get u there Chaos....
even am plaing at 1280 x 1024......dont hav ny probs as such
nd sniping is always better in UT ;) if ur good at it..... :tongue:
Its much easier to see the opponents if u reduce the detail and use the brightskins pack ;)

Edit: Going waaay offtopic here :P
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