360 from Singapore

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Was wondering what problems will I face if I get the 360 from Singapore?

Its so much cheaper

Will the warranty be void?
Can I play Indian bought games?
Can I watch DVD from the local guy (p1r@ted!!!)?

Any other problems that I may face?

Well, you have a 33% chance of having your X360 go kaput during it's lifetime. So, unless warranties cover operating it abroad which I doubt, I'd suggest raising enough cash until you can get it from here.

As for games, it depends. If it's PAL, then yes since the X360 and it's games sold here are PAL. If it it's NTSC on the other hand, you may have to find some specialized dealers.

I could be wrong about the above, though.
Yeah you'll need the official warranty, as the x360 has high chances of malfunctioning. Don't know if it'll be void.

You can watch pirated dvd movies, and since Singapore uses PAL system, x360 from there will run games bought from here.
correction, x360 in s'pore are all asia/ntsc J sets. so pal games in india wont work on x360s bought from s'pore. i can confirm this, mine is a s'pore set :)

no big deal though. i get my ntsc j games from Buy Video Games for Consoles and PC - From Japan, Korea and other Regions! - Play-Asia.com. they offer free shipping to india (i usually get them within 1 week after placing my order), and most imptly their prices are usually cheaper than the local retail prices of PAL games.

DVDs run fine, so no need to worry abt that.
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