3D Manatee Cove 1.0[Screen Scaver]:

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Dark Star

Manatee Cove has elegant and realistic manatee animations with haunting "deep sea music". Mantees swim and roll by accompanied by large silvery fish. Swaying plants add to the rhythmic ocean feel. Manatees and fish fade in the depths and become more vivid as they approach the viewer adding realism and depth. Want a soothing nighttime scene? Just set the time of day to nighttime and a dark shadowy blue hue is cast on the scene. Prefer a dusky sunset scene? The default dusk setting produces a deep reddish hue. Demo contains full set of features. Have fun customizing this screen saver to your preferences. In addition to tint, brightness, time of day settings, sound mute and volume control you can play your own mp3 music. Contains animated gif images and sound file. Password protection is available. Registered version doesn't have the overlay text and never expires. Available at a substantial per screen saver discount when purchased in a set. Remove demo using the Windows Control Panel add/remove programs. No adware, spyware, surveys, data collection, toolbars, opt-out or opt-in offers or any other add-ons. Only quality screen savers.

  • Operating Systems 98/NT/2k/Me/XP/95/2003
  • File Size 6.44 MB (6,752,409 bytes)

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