Video 3D market in India.


Hello all,

We all must be noticing that the 3D market in India is increasing at a good rate, Many of the bollywood movies are coming up in 3D now.
So can we say that we are totally ready to be a 3D dominated market.
How many of you have experience 3D content on a 3D TV and which brand do you prefer for the same?
3D is just gimmick, I'hv never been able to see true 3d in my life. tried all methods anaglyph, polarizer, real 3d, shutter glasses.. none works for me :(
The only 3D movies I really liked were Avatar and Tron Legacy. I watched both in IMAX.
Rest movies' 3D totally sucked. 3DTV is another hype which should be curbed at all cost.
3D is just gimmick, I'hv never been able to see true 3d in my life. tried all methods anaglyph, polarizer, real 3d, shutter glasses.. none works for me :(

Hey, why are you talking about shutter glasses when you have got battery free passive glasses to watch 3d content.
I agree that to many of the people 3D is just a gimmick and we it will take some time to have it in main stream but till then we can enjoy what we have right now.

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The only 3D movies I really liked were Avatar and Tron Legacy. I watched both in IMAX.
Rest movies' 3D totally sucked. 3DTV is another hype which should be curbed at all cost.

Hey, how can you miss movies like The Dark Knight Rises and Spiderman in 3D....
Hey, why are you talking about shutter glasses when you have got battery free passive glasses to watch 3d content.
I agree that to many of the people 3D is just a gimmick and we it will take some time to have it in main stream but till then we can enjoy what we have right now.

Hey, how can you miss movies like The Dark Knight Rises and Spiderman in 3D.

Tried using nVidia's proprietary 3D Vision kit to play games on my brothers Alienware, all I got was a head-ache in 10 minutes flat; not an enjoyable feature for ready-to-mainstream technology.

And I do agree with current standards of 3D vision it is more of a gimmick, I have seen a few animated films (in theatres) --
  • How to Train your Dragon [active shutter, good experience though because I have glasses I had watery eyes at the end of the screening]
  • Adventures of Tintin [active shutter, again same experience as above]
  • Kung Fu Panda II [active shutter, same experience as earlier]
  • Rio [passive 3D / anaglyph setup, very dark picture and 3D was gimmick purely added to generate more funds for the theatre in question]
  • PIXAR's Brave [passive 3D, better than Rio but image quality and colour detail was lost]
Basically what I intend to say is, if you are going for a 3D setup be ready for a lot money being spent on an effective TV (with the best contrast), making the room near dark to enjoy this effect properly and most importantly placing the seat arrangement in in such a manner that the 3D effect is accentuated properly not as a joke; even after all this you will have head-aches and watery eyes for the first few runs (and if you have glasses / eye issues prepare for worse).
I believe @soumalidon has been using a 3D based display with his system for quite sometime now - would love to hear his feedback on this. :)
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I believe soumalidon has been using a 3D based display with his system for quite sometime now - would love to hear his feedback on this. :)

I must admit that I was a sceptic when I initially got 3D for my PC and when i first started playing in 3D I was like "there is nothing so great in this". But now after using it for close to 2 years, I just cannot play games in "2D". When you first start using 3D it takes allot of getting used to. I used to get headaches after a few minutes of playing, the depth would play tricks on my mind, I used to get tired quickly etc etc. After about a month I got used to it and since then I always play in 3D unless the game doesn't support it. For me personally I don't play games for hours together like many others here, I just play for a maximum of 1-2 hours and call it quits. If you are one of those who plays for extened periods then I would recommend you stay away from 3D. Playing for soo long in 3D will have its consequences.

Playing in 3D is allot of fun and some games you need to see to believe. It adds an extra dimension to the game and you actually feel more involved in the game, it becomes more fun. 3D is something you need to get used to and after that you wont go back to the normal thing. My use of 3D ends with games, I hate movies and TV in 3D where it doesn't actually do much but for games its a whole other story. If any of you get a chance please check out Trine 2 in 3D (3D Vision 2), it will be the best thing you will ever see, till date, on 3D. After that you will stop calling 3D a gimmick :)
We know that every branded company is looking to explode some thing new in 3d technology. In this term we can say that LG India strategy is to build itself as a premium brand in the consumer electronics space. This company is continuously upgrading its product portfolio to full fill the demands of the indian customer (especially in tv and mobile phones). Apart from the electronic products when we talk about the cinema of india then there is no doubt that indian cinema had a profound effect on cinema across the world since early 20 th century. The most recent example which we can see is "ra one" which has recovered its costs approx Rs. 170 crore at the global collection coz ra one released their more than 4000 prints across the global, which is again the highest number of prints published for an indian movie. Recently, i saw titanic in 3d and all i can say that James Cameron is a genius who design a hokum drenched fairy tale of a certain size. Awesome movie...:)
soumalidon: Thanks for the input!

We know that every branded company is looking to explode some thing new in 3d technology. In this term we can say that LG India strategy is to build itself as a premium brand in the consumer electronics space. This company is continuously upgrading its product portfolio to full fill the demands of the indian customer (especially in tv and mobile phones). Apart from the electronic products when we talk about the cinema of india then there is no doubt that indian cinema had a profound effect on cinema across the world since early 20 th century. The most recent example which we can see is "ra one" which has recovered its costs approx Rs. 170 crore at the global collection coz ra one released their more than 4000 prints across the global, which is again the highest number of prints published for an indian movie. Recently, i saw titanic in 3d and all i can say that James Cameron is a genius who design a hokum drenched fairy tale of a certain size. Awesome movie...:)

You Sir, should stop posting! Or post the sources to whatever you have posted instead of blatantly posting for the heck of it.

LG India strategy is to build itself as a premium brand in the consumer electronics space - Google Search

indian cinema had a profound effect on cinema across the world since early 20 th century - Google Search

Cameron is a genius who design a hokum drenched fairy tale of a certain size - Google Search

And Ra One? Seriously?

EDIT: Looks like the macrock dude in disguise to me.
I must admit that I was a sceptic when I initially got 3D for my PC and when i first started playing in 3D I was like "there is nothing so great in this". But now after using it for close to 2 years, I just cannot play games in "2D". When you first start using 3D it takes allot of getting used to. I used to get headaches after a few minutes of playing, the depth would play tricks on my mind, I used to get tired quickly etc etc. After about a month I got used to it and since then I always play in 3D unless the game doesn't support it. For me personally I don't play games for hours together like many others here, I just play for a maximum of 1-2 hours and call it quits. If you are one of those who plays for extended periods then I would recommend you stay away from 3D. Playing for soo long in 3D will have its consequences.

Playing in 3D is allot of fun and some games you need to see to believe. It adds an extra dimension to the game and you actually feel more involved in the game, it becomes more fun. 3D is something you need to get used to and after that you wont go back to the normal thing. My use of 3D ends with games, I hate movies and TV in 3D where it doesn't actually do much but for games its a whole other story. If any of you get a chance please check out Trine 2 in 3D (3D Vision 2), it will be the best thing you will ever see, till date, on 3D. After that you will stop calling 3D a gimmick :)

I fully support what soumalidon has written about 3D.

I have playing in 3D from the past three months using 3D vision 2. The 3D vision 1 had brightness issues but with the new 3D vision those issues are completely gone :)

Trine and Metro 2033 look amazing in 3D and there is no looking back once you start playing in 3D.
Ya there are issues of games releasing with Full 3D support I mean 3D vision ready games but mostly Nvidia releases the Patches quite fast so that issue is pretty much solved.

One more thing is you need to have a lot of Horse power from your GPUs for the 3d to properly run and to enjoy it to the fullest.