WTB 4 Inch Springform pan for cheesecake / cake baking

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Feedback: +18 / =0 / -0
Not your usual tech request. But since I cannot find this item online anywhere, asking here.

My wife uses spring form pan to bake cake or set cheesecake. The smallest pan we have is 7 Inch in size. We want an even smaller 4 Inch size one. Does anyone here have that they intend to sell?
Even if you have link to online place which sells, I am open to check them out. On amazon I did found some listings of 3 sets which mention 4 inch in them but I did order one of those and it turned out to be 7 inch as smallest and had to return it.
How many do you need? I've purchased one of these from a supermarket nearby, they should still have them. I'll check tomorrow morning.
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