Hi i am planning to Buy a 40 inch tv
Recently my 46 inch Samsung Died <Bought this thing from Singapore>
So look forward to buy a new TV within 40-42 Inch
i like samsung Because it used to play most format directly from USB NO HASSLE
and of course a great picture Clarity
Now i am looking option other then Samsung as I am also looking forward to Buy a media player from Asus or Seagate
Has any one had a Panasonic they offer a 3 years warranty here that's what interests me and i also heard they have a great picture quality +viera link is useful for me as have 2 Panasonic Cameras
How abt Plasma how do they perform playing HD content esp from Panasonic
please give me ur valuable comment on this product as well:
LG 42LW5700 <this is out of box option for me but will look forward to get it as its 3d and that too flicker free +no Charging Required Glass which are Cheap>
Recently my 46 inch Samsung Died <Bought this thing from Singapore>
So look forward to buy a new TV within 40-42 Inch
i like samsung Because it used to play most format directly from USB NO HASSLE
and of course a great picture Clarity
Now i am looking option other then Samsung as I am also looking forward to Buy a media player from Asus or Seagate
Has any one had a Panasonic they offer a 3 years warranty here that's what interests me and i also heard they have a great picture quality +viera link is useful for me as have 2 Panasonic Cameras
How abt Plasma how do they perform playing HD content esp from Panasonic
please give me ur valuable comment on this product as well:
LG 42LW5700 <this is out of box option for me but will look forward to get it as its 3d and that too flicker free +no Charging Required Glass which are Cheap>