46% of Mails in India are Spam


The report states that 46.34% of emails amounted for the total junk mail received by Indian users. 40.91% of the overall mails originated from Open Relay servers, Open proxies or Zombie machines exploited worldwide.

The company has also listed the five most prevalent viruses in India, of which W32/Netsky.P@mm stands at 49.79%. The W32/Netsky.P@mm is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email addresses it finds when scanning the hard drives and mapped drives. The worm also tries to spread through various file-sharing programs by copying itself into various shared folders.

At 15.39% is the W32/Netsky.AK@mm, which uses the same method of spreading as the previous worm. The W32/Netsky.Q@mm accounts for 7.61% of the total viruses received. It is a mass-mailing worm that consists of two components: a dropper and a mass-mailing component.

HTML.Phishing.Bank-1 accounts for 4.23% and is a Trojan that steals personal information and spreads through emails. The W32/FunLove.4099 that accounts for 3.88% replicates under Windows 95/98/Me and Windows NT. What is notable about this virus is that it uses a new strategy to attack the Windows NT file security system and it runs as a service on Windows NT system. Other viruses account for 19.1% of the total amount.

According to Emergic CleanMail the emergic virus of the week is the W32MyDoom.BG@mm. This latest mass mailing worm has its own SMTP engine to replicate itself to the email addresses that it collects from the PC it has infected. The worm then downloads PWSteal.Trojan on the infected system.

The company also claims that spammers are using virus-like methods to send out more and more spam. Leading computer security organizations have revealed the possible interconnection between spammers and viruses writers and have reported that spammers and virus writers have been working closely to further carry out their activity.

Read the full story : Techtree.com News