0-20k 4K gaming PC suggestion

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Have the Cabinet, a 900w PSU, keyboard , mouse, controller and a RTX 3070
The TV can do 1080p & 4k both @120 hz.
The priority is for a higher framerate over eye candy. Setting will be adjusted accordingly.
Suggest the cheapest CPU/MOBO combo that can do all above.
P.S.:- Looking a value for money solution, blew up my budget on the 3070.
We generally see CPU's with 10%~50% utilization during benchmarks, I would prefer utilization in the 80's in most of the popular games.
Let em pour in :)
Do remember that many games are CPU intensive as well, so having a 3070 with a low mobo+cpu may not give you the expected gains (esp if you are planning to game at 4k). Check if you can stretch your budget to accomodate a Ryzen 5/520plus mobo (preferable to get B550 chipset based mobo).
Budget:- around 30K

The existing hardware configuration
CPU - Intel Xeon 1231 v3
Motherboard - GA-H81M-S
GPU - RTX 3070
RAM - 4x2 Gskill C9 2200 DDR3
Monitor - LG CX 65
PSU - Coolermaster 900w

Based at Bhopal
Open to online purchase
Would consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
The intended use for this PC/hardware will be for Gaming ONLY
No brand preference.
Gaming type:-
Horizon 4

Gaming 1080p/4K @ 120hz (if she can do it)
Looking to overclock
Windows 10 64 bit
Go for atleast 10400F or Ryzen 3600, Ryzen 3100 / 10100F wouldn't be much of an upgrade.
You can't use your existing RAM with the new build.
Your system could use SSD, buy if you don't have one already.

10400F + B460M Pro VDH wifi + 2 x 8GB DDR4 2666mhz or higher would cost about 30k
Ryzen 3600 + B450M Pro4 + 2 x 8GB DDR4 3200mhz or higher would cost about 30k

Intel combo would cost couple of thousands less than the AMD, but with AMD you can OC.
The intel i5-10600k costs the same or around the R5 3600.
Why are we staying away from it?
Is there some thing I have missed?
The intel i5-10600k costs the same or around the R5 3600.
Why are we staying away from it?
Is there some thing I have missed?
Not at all. The problem is you'll need a Z490 motherboard to use RAM over 2666mhz and also to overclock the processor. Z490 mobos are way more expensive
honestly at 4k your gaming deltas between even midrange CPU to high end CPU aint much
check where the i3 10300/10100 are in relative comparision at 4k with a 2080ti

AMD advantage is cross gen CPU support for down the path upgrade and high ram speeds even on lower end boards
Intel tends to lock MB to each gen of CPU cylce

as said above 10400F + B460M is not a bad option as listed above
Personally i prefer CPU with a basic IGP as aback up
The intel i5-10600k costs the same or around the R5 3600.
Why are we staying away from it?
Is there some thing I have missed?
10600K costs about 22k, while 3600 costs about 18k. If you're getting 10600K for 18k, go for it even if you don't get Z series board.
for a 30k budget i would spend 22k on the CPU+MOBO and 8k for a NVME drive
the gains for Gaming, in moving past a 15k price CPU arent there i feel
But game loading and general day to day snappiness on an NVME drive will be worth it

(as pasted in the CPU link above)
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