512MB MP3 Player shows 119MB after formating ????

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I had a similar prob with my creative MuVo Slim player (showed 192 MB after formatting instead of 256 MB). but creative released a firmware upgrade that supported FAT32 format, then I got all 256 MB
I wasn't replying to any particular post. Only wanted to point out that I didn't rtfm and formatted the Microvault. As such I agree with the opinion on Chinese quality...who won't?
actually its not the formatting problem!! these cheap generic mp3 players are misbranded to quote higher capacity than it has. there must be some software tools which can be used to show larger media capacity than actually it has. even if you didn't formatted the player - first load music close to the stated capacity - then try playing it. my player had 256 MB (stated - actually it has 119MB) - i had loaded it with songs amounting 228 MB or so. when i tried to play the files - it played about 27 files (amounting about 119 MB) and restarted. i had never succeded playing files after the first 27 files.

you have to open up the player and verify physically the memory capacity. these players contains either a samsung or a hynix memory chip. my player has 128MB - i have verified it physically after opening up the player (although it states 256MB on label and showed 232 MB on the system info).

go through the s1mp3.org forums. it is excellent. you will get all details regarding identifying your memory chip -even - it has photo guide regarding how to open the player.

A word of caution - dont try to upgrade firmware unnecessarily. first identify your memory capacity physically. only flash if you have correct memory but the player is showing it less. my player went dead after a flash. although i have successfully recovered it following the dead recovery guide of s1mp3.org

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^Good info dude, reps from me.

This should be let out to general public in a big way, no wonder those mp3 players costed so cheap :bleh:
Hey everyone...

^Nice post archat68

Had the exact same problem with one of these cheap chinese players... The chip inside (hynix) actually has a capacity of only 128mb (actually 119mb), but somehow those cheap chinese bastards make it look like 256mb... talk about "overclocking" huh?
The shopkeepers will happily test out the product by putting in a few songs etc. not exceeding 119mb... but once u put data exceeding 119mb, its starts "overlapping" and becomes corrupt... and when u try to play certain songs it just restarts...

The real deal is revealed when u format the drive, thinking that there is something wrong. In fact the shopkeepers now post a sticker stating "Do not format the mp3 player, we will not be held responsible"

So all of u who think u messed up by formatting, well u didn't, its not ur fault,u wouldn't have been able to use over the actual capacity of the chip anyways...

This is a scam, we should expose it, especially in online shopping sites etc.
PS: shout-outs to kawa forum members :)
just revived two chinese generic mp3 players (s1 players). one died after wrong flash and the other got drenched in water. becoming an expert on these matters. the drenched one was affected badly - corroded internally and got shorted pins other than than firmware problems. :ohyeah:
It seems if you can find proper firmware (try and try) you can revive most. The players are not bad except the memory problem. Sound quality is quite decent (buy a decent headphone for that - sony/panasonic/philips), FM reception is OK and I am surprised with the recording quality - its quite good!!
before buying try to find a dealer and persuade him for a player with the real capacity for a few hundred rupees extra. i actually bought one for a friend which has got what is stated on the label:hap2: after paying the dealer extra 200 bucks. but its worthy becos when you pay for 1GB and get 119MB - it pains.

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