Graphic Cards 6600GT with a Athlon 2800+

I agree with super saiyan. your better of with the 6600gt then looking for a 7300gt especially for your rig. it should gel well with your comp, lazybugger.

@aces i know Neville, i can vouch for the sale. so lazybugger need not worry.
Lazybugger: Clear your old PM's... I am not able to PM you... your inbox is full...:mad:

Mods: Can't something be done about this... maybe an alert to the user to clean up his Inbox or else he won't recieve new messages.. :(
abhaybhegde said:
lazzybugger i am also in the same fix as you are !!! dont know what to do man?

Yeah dude... I think I have decided it finally to upgrade my ram to 1GB & get a used 6600GT 128MB for 3k from neville
:hap2: :hap2: :hap2:
didnt wanna start a new thread so askin here...does any1 know if the AGP 6600GT is still in production??..Im askin coz ive given mine for warranty replacemnt and its been ages and now they are saying that its out of production and tat a 7300GT will be the replacement..wat do u guys think??