Graphic Cards 8800 GTS freezes whenever I play any 3d app.

It has to be the software of the card. Remove the firmware completly and re-install if still that doesnt work then it has to be the firmware.
I am using the xfx8800gts and all the drivers available upto this point from nvidia seem really buggy.....
what mobo are you using btw???....the nforce mobos have had lots of problems with the 8800 series which have since been fixed with the latest bios may want to look into that!
thegman said:
I am using the xfx8800gts and all the drivers available upto this point from nvidia seem really buggy.....
what mobo are you using btw???....the nforce mobos have had lots of problems with the 8800 series which have since been fixed with the latest bios may want to look into that!

It is an nforce mobo. 650i actually. Any link to the above?
its not a PSU problem..

more to do with buggy nvidia drivers..

downloaded the latest beta drivers 163.67

games are still freezing..

for me, BIOSHOCK and LOST PLANET freeze a lot more than GRAW2..

this sucks man..
ppl on a lot of forums have reported resoving the issues by going back to earlier onboard sound and gf drivers..

anyone successful in doing that here..

i underclocked my GPU; core by 60Mhz and mem by 75Mhz; i was able to play for like 10-15mins and the system wud hang again, giving me the BSOD..

i'm able to play games lik GRAW2 and WARROCK without any hitches..

frustrated with this problem guys...
cos i'm convinced its not an XP issue..

its a driver issue...either a conflict betn mobo/onboard sound drivers and gfx drivers or just sumthing wrong with the gfx drivers..

Guptaji I dont know if this will help you or not (I hope it does) but what was killing the system for me was .................



greenhorn good sir, accept my humblest of apologies. You were absolutely dead right.

Basically I had 2 sticks of 1 GB each on my Xfx 650. Took one of them off, works like a charm. So its either the RAM or the mobo. SMC are swapping the RAM so I will know for certain soon enough.

In the mean while not a single crash with one stick.

i have no problem at ma onboard 6100 i have used past for 2 mothn swithout crash issue ;)

so u need gud psc power supply
m47r1m said:
I have a 500 Amigo. I think thats more than enough power. I dont know though. I am going to try some older drivers next.

If you afford an 8800GTS, u surely can afford a good psu.

In fact i believe- if one doesn't believe in the funda of good psu, then they do not deserve a good gpu.:ashamed:
Please post the specs of that psu you have.:p
Else it's time to say - "Adios Amigo".:eek:hyeah:

m47r1m said:
Probably not the RAM as I have 2 sticks of 1GB each and it only happens when I run 3d apps.

m47r1m said:
Mystery solved (I hope so anyway).
I took the card back to SMC (it was an MSI version BTW) and they say they can get it swapped. Very nicely though (since my xfx has no onboard display) they guys over at SMC gave me a used 7800GTX to use in the time they get a replacement.
And guess what? Not a single crash with the 7800 and I stress tested the card to the limit.
Hopefully the replcaement should be just as good.
Thanks for the help anyway guys. I was so sure it was a software issue. Tells you what I know.


m47r1m said:
Arghh brand new card. Still the same problem!
Any ideas on what to do?
The temp levels are OK. The PSU is 500 W. The RAM seems to be OK (worked with the 7800).

Nice way to troubleshoot.:O

m47r1m said:
Guptaji I dont know if this will help you or not (I hope it does) but what was killing the system for me was .................
greenhorn good sir, accept my humblest of apologies. You were absolutely dead right.
Basically I had 2 sticks of 1 GB each on my Xfx 650. Took one of them off, works like a charm. So its either the RAM or the mobo. SMC are swapping the RAM so I will know for certain soon enough.
In the mean while not a single crash with one stick.


Did you run memtest??

Both sticks individually or atleast in dual channel??

Which slots did you use??

Else how can you be sure its is bad RAM??:huh:
Please do list out the specs of your whole rig- how can anyone guess that?:no:

Or atleast have the specs in rig gallery so it can be checked through the link to your rig.:(
You say you have some nforce 650i mobo.

Is it the XFX 650i ultra mobo?:huh:
New stocks of that mobo have had issues and at times are not stable with 2-4 sticks of RAM.

Work fine with one stick.:cool2:
Our very reputed member stormblast has had several of these mobos and while earlier stocks had no issues, the latter ones gave the same issues like u had.
My post in a thread on a similar issue >

Quoting naked contents of that post for your convenience

It's most probably a mobo issue.

Have you purchased this mobo recently?

There is big likelihood of the present batch of XFX 650i ultra mobos in Mumbai being a bit dicey.

Stormblast had a similar issue.
With one stick of 1GB Kingston elpida ram, machine would be stable.

With 2 sticks in dual channel, it was 50:50 stable.

With 4 sticks- either no boot or absolutely unstable, iirc.
He wasted a week memtesting the RAM as then, no one had any idea how Kingstion with Elpida chips are.

He tried out his older Kingston sticks off another machine that had Hynix Y5 chips- but still problems persisted.
He also took the rest of the h/w like HDD, psu,... home to check on his home rig.
Finally he got another XFX mobo in replacement but even that had similar issues.
Exasperated, frustrated and since it was for his office and needed urgently, he settled for the pricier Asus P5NE SLi just for the sake of stability.

(He had to pay more for the extra PCIe slot and Asus tag for no reason).
The XFX mobo he has at home is from the initial batches and works fine till date- touchwood.

Here is the thread >
Another thread about bad batch XFX 650i mobos >
SEARCH is everyone's friend.:hap2:

I used it to see if this helps you- so can you.:cool2: