Graphic Cards 8800GT Dual Dvi Problem

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hi i have msi 8800gt with me which has 2 dvi out
i connected to two monitors one is 24" dell another is 22' aoc both are full hd
now how to see films in a full screen incl both monitor
If you mean sharing the video half in one screen half in the other, then its not possible.

If you meant 2 exact instances of video playing on each screen, then go to Nvidia Control Panel and then click on Set Up Multiple Displays. Somewhere there you will see the option for setting the monitors as in - Shared mode or Duplicate mode. Select Duplicate Mode.
RD274 said:
If you mean sharing the video half in one screen half in the other, then its not possible.

If you meant 2 exact instances of video playing on each screen, then go to Nvidia Control Panel and then click on Set Up Multiple Displays. Somewhere there you will see the option for setting the monitors as in - Shared mode or Duplicate mode. Select Duplicate Mode.
hey why its not possible to see the video half in one and the other

the card supports its maximum resolution of 2560 * 1920 i think

then why dont it consider the tow monitor as a single display
Why would you want to do that anyways?

- You'll have a blind spot at the gap between the 2 screens (i.e. the centre of the 2 displays).
- The video will have resolution and aspect ratio issues.

The only proper usage of dual display is in 3ds Max, CAD, Photoshop where the wider display allows you more space to work with.

Go to Nvidia Control Panel and then click on Set Up Multiple Displays. Somewhere there you will see the option for setting the monitors as in - Shared mode or Duplicate mode. Select Duplicate Mode.

Also in malls they use a hardware box to duplicate screens. Next time you go to that mall, look behind the screens and see what they are connected to :P
The only way to do that is to either have windows xp or ultramon.

With windows XP you can select the horizontal span option in the nvidia contorl panel and then maximize your video to get half and half on both screens.

With ultramon you select the dual display(if your on windows 7) and then ultramon allows you to maximize many applications across both screens.

I tried both with my 20" and 17" screen.its great for photoshop and other related activities where a larger workspace is required but never liked watching videos on it!
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