Requirements for trading in the For Sale by Owners Thread.
You have read and accepted the Classifieds Conditions, Rules & Guidelines.
Only individual owners can post a "For Sale" ad here.
Your registration should be at least 91 days old and you should have made a minimum of 91 posts to upgrade your account for posting in the Classifieds forum.
You must have the product you are selling in possession at the time of sale.
You must provide multiple clearly visible pictures of the product along with your username and date written by hand on a piece of paper next to the product. Try to provide pictures of bundled accessories if any. If you do not have pictures yet, please do not start a thread till you have them as it will be deleted.
No proxy sales on behalf of others or banned members.
Please make sure to select the "For Sale" prefix while starting a new thread.
Posts that bring a thread to the top of the New Posts list but add no content to the thread (bumps) are not permitted. This applies not only to posts that say "bump" but to those with the intent to bump, e.g. posts saying "anyone?" or the equivalent
Quoting Price, age, condition, ownership history and complete description of the item being sold is mandatory.
Selling of any digital audio, video or software related media is strictly prohibited.
Posting your email and/or telephone number is not permitted. All initial communication will have to be carried out by conversations.
Bidding or auction is not allowed.
All Classifieds threads will be automatically deleted after 3 months.
Any monetary transactions between buyer and seller are purely and entirely between the two and does not guarantee the transaction between the two parties, nor is involved in facilitating the transaction, nor does it charges a percentage or commission on the transaction, nor does it hold the payment in escrow. Hence it is not responsible in any way for the satisfactory exchange of goods and money between seller and buyer and is not responsible for mediating disputes between buyer and seller. Please do not start a thread complaining about a trade that has gone bad as it will be deleted. The sale facility must be viewed by members purely as a convenience service provided by, and like all commercial transactions, caveat emptor applies. does not provide any express warranty on the items sold nor does it claim responsibility for trades conducted on the market. Both parties involved in a trade should ensure trade does not go bad.
It is also your responsibility to read the rules and guidelines and fully understand them before posting in the classifieds. Any member found violating any of the above rules and/or guidelines will be banned from and no conversation or correspondence will be entered into by the Moderators or Admin.
The Classifieds section is intended for sales alone and not Product discussion which is to be carried out in the other forums.
Please note that ads that do not satisfy the above requirements will automatically be deleted.