A cheap "Barely Connected" plan..under Rs.500


A friend staying in my college's hostel asked me if there's a DSL plan that offers a reasonable connection at extremely nominal rates (say about Rs.300-400/month) and I was honestly baffled.

There's Airtel on one hand which provides a 256 Kbps connection at a very low price but installation for the Wifi router and "security" (in the case of my friend because he doesn't have a permanent residence in Delhi..:S ) works out to be around a Rs.2500 + Rs.3000 :no: which he cannot afford at the moment.

On the other hand, there's MTNL.. One interesting plan that I found was the *TriB 399 * - A reasonable 256Kbps connection that has 2GB as the free monthly download limit.

****The third alternative is getting the "Wareless jugaad" from the local "cable-wallahs" :hap2: "Sirf 250 rupees mein sabkuch unlimited" :rofl: Installation charges = Rs. 2750 "only" :clap: ****

The usage will be extremely restricted to mostly text-based web pages. I'm sure this nerd (oops !! I meant "academically-inclined" :rofl: ) will not burn his bandwidth on Games,movies and porn :ashamed: . But yes, the occasional YouTube-hilariously-stupid-video-watching sessions WILL occur.

Now, what I want to know is,
1) the ACTUAL cost inclusive of the so-called "installation-charges".
2) Is there any ISP that provides for free installation exclusive of the Wifi router charges.
3) Can someone suggest a good Wifi router (Price, not range, is the criteria - cheaper is better :))
4) Can someone also suggest a cheap Wifi router/ISP combination. (Preferably if everything works out to be under Rs.500-600)

Thanks :D
MTNL is fine , I live near north campus only and my connection was setup in a weeks time , (an achievement for MTNL) / Cheapest WiFi router would be probably be the Netgear WGR614 , costs around 1.6k IIRC
manu1991 said:
MTNL is fine , I live near north campus only and my connection was setup in a weeks time , (an achievement for MTNL) / Cheapest WiFi router would be probably be the Netgear WGR614 , costs around 1.6k IIRC

What was the total cost of your installation (including the router) ?
Spacescreamer said:
Why not check the thread in the market.. selling wireless routers..?
i guess u ll get one fulfilling ur requirements.

Actually i'm looking for a router plan WITH the connecton. Buying the router seperately was the last resort.i wanted to know the cheapest possible CONNECTION-with-router .