90K+ A complete gaming PC under 100k

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Hello Guys,

First of all I want to let you guys know that I am a complete newbie when it comes to PC Configs. I have been playing on my laptop since last few years but would like to go for a complete gaming PC now. As I have no clue about what to buy or what to look out for to have a good gaming PC, I would like some help from you guys to help me buy one. I just need the configs for the CPU as I already have Keyboard/Mouse , etc.

What is your budget?
Under 100k Rs.
What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
No preferences
Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
No preferences
Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
I would like to have i7 and a ssd
Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component.
Not in near future but maybe after 2 years
Where will you buy this hardware?
Flipkart or Local dealer in Ahmedabad
Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market?
What is your intended use for this PC/hardware?
Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
FPS (max settings)

Are you looking to overclock?
Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 and 8.
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> 100k for 'just gaming' is a total waste. A console is better suited for that task.

> cabinet+processor+ram+motherboard+HDD+optical drive+PSU+GPU is NOT CPU :facepalm: Start reading noobs.
> 100k for 'just gaming' is a total waste. A console is better suited for that task.

> cabinet+processor+ram+motherboard+HDD+optical drive+PSU+GPU is NOT CPU :facepalm: Start reading noobs.
i m not agree with ur comment :)
here people have 2-3 lac sys using for gaming @op check showoff thread :)
even i m haning 1 lac + sys :) for only GAMING :p
Console is JUST waste of MONEY :p
Ps4 @40K :p i can make better sys with 40K with second hand products for TE market :)
Bro w8 for some time here lots of options u will get by lots of techies :p
But MAKE PC only
Here what i buy if i want to spend 1 LAC
i5 4670K or if u said i7 4770K
Asus ROG VI hero
Asus VG24Q ( 24inch 3D 144HZ LCD ) ( 25K near )
GTX 770 OR R9 R280X
CM scout or u like ( see in personal and read some case review or video )
HX 750 OR HX1050
^ there exist >5 lakh PCs too. What I meant was OP should not waste this hard earned money to such a basic need. As you said, you can make a better PC for 40k. That would be much better for just gaming than spending 100k.

Now about your suggested config:

> OP has clearly mentioned that he has no intentions of overclocking, then why are you suggesting a k series processor? It won't offer any performance benifit in games.

> Maximus Vi Hero for someone who has clearly mentioned no to overclocking? Are you kidding? It's overkill even for someone who explicitly mentioned yes for overclocking.

> Why spend so much on a 3D monitor? Instead, 2 1080p panes with a 760 SLI will be much better.

> 770 or 280X? 770 is priced at 32k and 280x at 24k. Do you realize there is a huge price gap between the two cards?

> how is OP supposed to know which 120 GB SSD are you talking kidding about? There is EVO available for ~7.5k and PRO for 15k. BE specific in suggestions.

> No specification about RAM's FSB? If OP goes for 1333 MHz ram, it would be a fail at the budget.

> HX 750 or 1050; again? 1050 W is an absolute overkill. are such huge difference in suggestions?

@OP; though i still do not agree on spending this amount of money for just gaming, the final choice is yours :)

i5 4570 (14000)
Asus H87M-E (9600)
Kingston hyperX Blu 1600 MHz 4 GB x2 (4700) wait a few days for restocking on Flipkart. It's cheapest on FK.
Seagate Barracuda 2 TB 7200 (6200)
Samsung 840 EVO 120 GB (7300)
Asus R9 280X 3 GB DDR5 (24000)
Seasonic S12II 620W (6100)
Corsair 500R (7400)
Dell S2440L (13000)
Asus optical drive (1050)
Logitech G10 gaming combo (2200)

total: ~95k[DOUBLEPOST=1387772379][/DOUBLEPOST]
I hate consoles and I dont mind spending money for a pc, I thought I would get tips about configurations here rather than taunts.
Our task to give best suggestions considering the scenerio, not blindly provide configs utilizing full budget.
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@ArkRaz Also check the dell ultra sharp range of monitors Dell U2414H .
Unfortunately I could not find the price of the same though it should be around 20 K. I personally use an older version of the ultrasharp and have found it to be very good.
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