A good freehost with a site creator manager and at least 30-40 Gb data....

params7 said:
Exept tripod, geocities or freewebs, can you name any else with a site creator becuase i don't know html and all...thanks.

First of all, I don't think you are going to get 30-40 GB for free anywhere in the near future, unless one of your friends with a very, very deep pocket agrees to set up a hosting server for you. :bleh:

Secondly, you should try your hand at MS FrontPage, or Macromedia DreamWeaver. These are really easy to use. You don't need to type in any code at all. Just format the text as you desire, select the template & upload the files to your hosting account.
Other light free utilities include AceHTML, FreeHTML Kit (Don't exactly remember the name). Also, a google search might help you out. :clap: :eek:hyeah:
Oh...And I forgot by the way, dhost.info is a very good host. But unfortunately, they have stopped new signups and even when they allow signups, they are very strict about it. If you don't need PHP, try out xthost.info. It is also run by the same people who run dhost. Signups are enabled, and you can create a new account within a matter of minutes. These sites offer the most amount of bandwisth and web space.
I would suggest u signup ASAP with them, or you might end up losing everything. May be they, too, might stop new account signups in the future.

If you need more space then offered at the above sites, then you could create a desired number of accounts with them in the serial no. as params7-1, params7-2, params7-3, .... and so on. And give links to the various pages in the main or home page to the respective servers on which particular files are uploaded.
One word to describe the above process: Cumbersome. But unfortunately, it may be the only one option, unless you have a friend as stated in the above post or you follow kanishkunal's advice! :tongue:

P.S.: There are some forums such as ecwhosting or xplosivehosting, which require you to post a certain no. of posts in their forum per month and in their end of the baragain, they give you a certain amount of web-space and bandwidth. The more you post, the more you get. Do a google search on them and you'll find many.
BTW, I don't think it would take much time to get unlimited web-space and bandwidth of you hire some of our professional spammers like XTerminator, TheMask, SunMysore, etc. :tongue: Hah...Just joking!


1. [rank=www.dhost.info]Deluxe Host[/rank]
2. [rank=www.xthost.info]XT Host[/rank]