A herd of buffaloes, A pride of lion and a lonely crocodile

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Wild bufaloes can be quite a handful...they weigh upto 800kgs..almost 4 times that of a lion...yes, if they get a grip they can toss the lion like a ping pong ball..not quite...but u get the point.....

saw a video on discovery where 1 bufalo singlehandedly killed a lion and injured two...they even had slow mo showing the buffalo ripping the lions belly...rather the lion pounced and fell straight on the bufaloe's horns and didnt get up...

To sum it up 1 lion got killed and 2 got kicked badly :rofl:

btw that croc has some nerve....

Amazing teamsmanship frm the bufaloes....should hv acted faster though..
yep true...its the crocs territory, but then it was like saying...hey kiddies gv me that candy..wil ya...lol...

btw a Correction: Wild bufaloes can weigh upto 1200kgs...not just 800...They just have to fall on a lion and it will be the end of the story :hap5:
Hey but den they managed to save the Cub ... dat was d best part of the video ... not even 6 lions n a crocodile cud kill dat cub ... Jhake raakho saaiyan maar sake na koi :P
Oh shyt...that video roxorz my boxorz...insane stuff...did you see the way that huge buffaloe just horned that lion in the guts?
But still dose Lions had some Guts .... still not giving away dat cub easily despite facing like 100 buffaloes !! I guess dats why dey r d king of d Jungle :D
Bluffmaster said:
Hey but den they managed to save the Cub ... dat was d best part of the video

Yup that was the best part. When both crocodile and the lions were pulling the cub, I was like probably this cub will be torn into pieces and why the hell am i at it. Then when it safely reached the herd felt happy ;)
vij said:

Wild bufaloes can be quite a handful...they weigh upto 800kgs..almost 4 times that of a lion...yes, if they get a grip they can toss the lion like a ping pong ball..not quite...but u get the point.....
saw a video on discovery where 1 bufalo singlehandedly killed a lion and injured two...they even had slow mo showing the buffalo ripping the lions belly...rather the lion pounced and fell straight on the bufaloe's horns and didnt get up...
To sum it up 1 lion got killed and 2 got kicked badly :rofl:
btw that croc has some nerve....

Amazing teamsmanship frm the bufaloes....should hv acted faster though..

Is this the same video .

YouTube - Buffalo vs entire lion pride
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