A Lite OS


My cousins OLD rig has started to act up recently while using Win XP, had 98 prev:O ( i know!!:eek:hyeah:). Has a P4 1.6Ghz, 256MB Ram, 40Gb HDD.

After lying around idle for years, he now wants to use it primarily for surfing the internet, listening mp3s, and watch videos if possible.

I was wondering if there was any OS which isn't too demanding on his system.

The closest I got was Moblin. :S

Any suggestions guys.

P.S. No idea about Linux whatsoever.:ashamed:
If you can try Linux, please check out Puppy Linux or Vector Linux. I had tried Vector Linux earlier, and it was quite ok for older systems.

If want to stick to Microsoft and have access to media, you can try Windows 2000. I had that installed on my old laptop (P3, 256MB Ram) and was quite fast.
^^Lol. Running is a diff. thing and getting to work with no hassle is different,

Mobil is nothing but a linux., You can try puppy , mandriva xfce, antiX . Even gOS is very decent.

Xubuntu is rather bloated and heavy compared to other XFCE .
any linux distro with xfce as environment would do, like Xubuntu or example. xfce is very lite on resources (atleast that's what I've noticed)

Otherwie, Linux Mint, Puppy Linux, Slax are your other possibilities :)