A new member in our family

Looks like the Range Rover Evoque.

Like there were not enough people here even ready to kidnap you for a ride in ur Volvo.... :D
congrats again... rule the NH4...
Thats what I call a Dussera purchase....
Pls let some more pics follow ...
That's an Evoque alright. 'grats man! :D

We need a panoramic shot of all the cars in your signature including this one. Post it sometime. :p
lol.. alright.. its a Range Rover Evoque.. Prestige.. top end version.. will post the full car pics soon.. didn't have time for a photo session :p

Btw this one's for kkc :p

Congratulations on the big big purchase... now for a ride in that truck :bleh:

P.S. That title is generally used with one is blessed with a kid not when one buys a car :eek:hyeah: