CPU/Mobo A new X2 4800+ and an FX-57


Happy Deepavali and Id mubarak to all

Finally have the time to post a msg, here.

Just made myself a good bonus and decided to spend a bit on some new computer stuff.

Bought myself an X2 4800+ and an FX 57 as well (what the heck I finally wanna start playing games)

Also bought an A8N SLI Premium for the 4800, but am waiting on another A8N 32 SLI Deluxe for the 57...

Flame me now ... hehe....

BTW I worked 16 hr days for about 7 months, to get a project done and finished it 3 months ahead of schedule, so I deserve every bit of these luxuries...

Finally gonna sell my old XP3200 +, but I'm still hanging onto the FX-53, so I'll end up with 3 Monsters whirring away in my computer room.

Plus I fold on all my rigs, so I guess they'll run 24/7...

Will post pics once it's all assembled and my computer room looks respectable...at the moment even I look at it, in disgust :huh: .

Looks like the TE server's been kinda ragged lately, hope you guys can sort it out, if there's anything that I can do in the way of a contribution (specially now :D ), drop me a PM, and we'll see how it goes from there.

All the best...oops, and I forgot to mention I also bought myself 3 Evga 7800GTX KOs, 2 for the 57 and one for the 4800+...
Hi cngn ! Nice to see you on the forums once again!

Juicy hardware as usual :p

And yes you will be bombarded with a 101 - "Why dint you get a DFI UT nf4 SLI board?" ! But the Asus boards are fine too unless you plan some over-the-top overclocking :)

Cheers once again and hope to see some pics/benchmarks whatever once you're done with the rig !
WTF ..... wat a killer setup u are going to have ..... but FX are made for OCing ..... so i will better suggest get a DFi rather than ASUS as Eddy said .....

anyways where u work .......
Looked at the DFI boards too much work for my liking what with the Card switching for Dual and Single gfx settings plus, for all the BIOS do dads, they don't seem to be able to really hit stable marks...I'd still prefer an Abit when it comes to stable but good OCs. Asus isn't all that bad either, though I hit pretty high scores on my Abit AV8, will see what ASUS is capable off once I'm setup here...though I'm sure countless sites have reviewed the mobo's and have write ups on them.

I work for a bank in Sydney...from Mumbai originally though...
ASUS is good enough! DFI is for the kind who just can't get enough of anything.
BTW, how much did you pay for the X2 4800+? And, where did you get it from?

- Yamaraj
Shucks I'm in Australia so the prices here may not really compare to what you will have to pay there...

But I did pay about $1225 (AUD) including shipping which was about $15...

The site I use to check the lowest prices here is http://www.staticice.com.au/index.html nothing beats it when it comes to hunting for the lowest prices in Aus...
Hmm an Fx 53, an X2 4800+ and a FX 57...

LOL m8 that sure is dizzying along with 7800's... are you planning to setup render farms ;)
You lucky guy!!!

Please do post some screenies of the oc and benchies..

Looking forwrd to seeing you with thos babies...
rahul said:
but FX are made for OCing ..... so i will better suggest get a DFi rather than ASUS as Eddy said .....

The FX have adjustable multipliers remember ;)

So its not really crucial to have a board like the DFi that can do high-HTT speeds with ease. Of course, the voltage options on the Asus would limit the overclock, but since he plans 24x7 operation would be better to ease off on the voltage throttle

cngn said:
I'd still prefer an Abit when it comes to stable but good OCs

Forgot to mention this, but i'm sure you know.. a lot of the "brains" at Abit specifically Oskar Wu are now in DFI :)
Crazy_Eddy said:
The FX have adjustable multipliers remember ;)
So its not really crucial to have a board like the DFi that can do high-HTT speeds with ease. Of course, the voltage options on the Asus would limit the overclock, but since he plans 24x7 operation would be better to ease off on the voltage throttle

that right Eddy .... but think if he is getting this type of hardware memory will be low latency and high speed so runing the system in sync u have to increase the HTT and reduce the multiplier ..... anyways for 24/7 systems ASUS is better than DFi ..... i thot he is going to OC it like crazy (i mean crazy not u :) ) .....
SHucks I'm as crazy as they come, but not crazy enough to blow away my cpu so I can boast about some weird figures :)

Yep both my main rigs use Corsair TWINX2048-3200C2 DIMMS, have 2 GB in each...

BTW just saw this on the Inquirer - http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=27443

So it's looks like I'll be using the step up program which EVGA has and will be able to get the new 512MB cards for just a few dollars more :)...
No Offence cngn-:cool2:
@cngn- BTW, your bank need a security guard by night- will guard your home daytime!!:rofl: :rofl:
Guys, if you ever hear of a burglary in Australia- You know where it occured and who's got the stuff!!:rofl: :rofl:
and i will post from some bunker in Afghanistan/Iraq or some Goddamn place!!:rofl: :rofl:
^^ LoL!!!! :rofl:

Anyways.. Cool rigs bro. FX-53, FX-57 and X2 4800+.

Bah send me the 4800+ :( :cry:

Anyways, Youd rather put the 7800GTX's in SLI in the 4800+ not the FX-57.

They perform better .. Maybe just a few more FPS :p... In the Dual Cores :p.
Very Nice....see that u have even my rigs chewing dust.....good man...am working up to a sizable bonus meself.....and will get into some friendly benchies with you.....I am going for an X2 4400+ (the FX 57 will have to wait for the 61) this rig will be used for vid encoding and yes games....plan the 512 meg version of the 7800GTX...

anyways super rigs and best of luck.....

cngn said:
Happy Deepavali and Id mubarak to all

Finally have the time to post a msg, here.

Just made myself a good bonus and decided to spend a bit on some new computer stuff.

Bought myself an X2 4800+ and an FX 57 as well (what the heck I finally wanna start playing games)

Also bought an A8N SLI Premium for the 4800, but am waiting on another A8N 32 SLI Deluxe for the 57...

Flame me now ... hehe....

BTW I worked 16 hr days for about 7 months, to get a project done and finished it 3 months ahead of schedule, so I deserve every bit of these luxuries...

Finally gonna sell my old XP3200 +, but I'm still hanging onto the FX-53, so I'll end up with 3 Monsters whirring away in my computer room.

Plus I fold on all my rigs, so I guess they'll run 24/7...

Will post pics once it's all assembled and my computer room looks respectable...at the moment even I look at it, in disgust :huh: .

Looks like the TE server's been kinda ragged lately, hope you guys can sort it out, if there's anything that I can do in th
e way of a contribution (specially now :D ), drop me a PM, and we'll see how it goes from there.

All the best...oops, and I forgot to mention I also bought myself 3 Evga 7800GTX KOs, 2 for the 57 and one for the 4800+...
I'll be joining u there in ozz pretty soon.....And do run some vid encoding on the 4800 and lemme know how it fares as compared to the FX57.....

Have a big bonus coming up too.........:eek:hyeah:

cngn said:
Shucks I'm in Australia so the prices here may not really compare to what you will have to pay there...

But I did pay about $1225 (AUD) including shipping which was about $15...

The site I use to check the lowest prices here is http://www.staticice.com.au/index.html nothing beats it when it comes to hunting for the lowest prices in Aus...

In ozz u should have gone OCZ @ 466 they run @ 2-3-2-6 thats 1 gig modules....(2 gigs of that or 4 (snicker) will put u on par with some of the fastest systems in the world....desktop wise....

I am salivating the prospect of my 7800GTX 512 and the X2 4400+.....

vandal said:
Very Nice....see that u have even my rigs chewing dust.....good man...am working up to a sizable bonus meself.....and will get into some friendly benchies with you.....I am going for an X2 4400+ (the FX 57 will have to wait for the 61) this rig will be used for vid encoding and yes games....plan the 512 meg version of the 7800GTX...

anyways super rigs and best of luck.....
ATM, 3800+ and 4200+ are the only X2s available in India. Wanted to buy a
4400+ myself, but have to wait more because of the lame system here.
I'm thinking about coupling it with A8N32, which is still 'Not in Stock'
everywhere, and is already in revision 2.0. :rofl:
The only prob with the A8N 32 is the small no (and ridiculous placement) of PCI slots...I think the MSI 32 is a bit better here....Though the A8N SLI prem was better than the K8N diamond....

(my opinion)

Yamaraj said:
ATM, 3800+ and 4200+ are the only X2s available in India. Wanted to buy a

4400+ myself, but have to wait more because of the lame system here.

I'm thinking about coupling it with A8N32, which is still 'Not in Stock'

everywhere, and is already in revision 2.0. :rofl: