A Query about OracleXE, Netbeans and Apache + PHP + MySQL


Level F
Hey friends, I've everything installed mentioned in the title. My query is...Apache runs on port 80, and Netbeans(Glassfish) JSP pages runs on 8080 and OracleXE too runs on 8080. So it won't create any problem??

I mean with XAMPP I can turn on Apache + MySQL when I need it. But the problem is with Oracle and Netbeans. Though Glassfish only runs when I run a JSP page. But the problem is Oracle is already running there on

Anything I should do?? Or everything will run fine automatically...??
Well ports shouldn't conflict...you should change the port in configuration of one of the applications...also AFAIK Oracle listener by default runs on 1521 port...did you reconfigure the listener to run on 8080?
Nope...but when I use a oracle document(licence agreement page) opens and when I use Application Express Login page opens.

BTW you are talking about database port(listener) which is 1521 but I'm talking about HTTP Server port.

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Yup....my guess was right. Glassfish was not working as OracleXE is already running there.

Just a googling showed up everyone faced this problem who uses Glassfish and OracleXE together.

But daust_de :: Oracle XE / Apex: XE: Changing the default http port solved the problem.

I changed OracleXE HTTP port to 100