To say Killzone 3 is a highly anticipated game is an understatement. This first person shooter whose roots go way back to the PS2 era has been a system seller for the PS3 ever since it wowed critics and audiences with its stellar production values and visceral gameplay. There were some (including myself) who weren’t too thrilled with Killzone 2's control scheme but that was a minor price to pay for a game that brought so much awesome to the table.
Sure beats walking
It seems Polish magazine CD Action got their hands on a review copy of Killzone 3 and as expected, they loved it, giving it a 9/10. Posting scans is illegal so we’ll just go ahead and summarize their review with the pros and cons.
One of the most beautiful game worlds
Well-balanced, varied campaign
High level of difficulty
Sharp Shooter + Game on the Move
Series deserves a deeper body shape characters
Minor technical mistakes
The translation from Polish to English maybe a bit screwy but y'all get the drift right? On another note, the official Killzone 3 site has a nice write up on all the multiplayer maps that’ll ship with the game. You can read all about that here.
hoping to see more detailed one soon