Budget 20-25K A smartphone for a lady. EDIT: Bought Sony Xperia SP


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I am currently on the hunt for a smartphone for my friend. Please check the info below and and suggest the best option ..

1. Q: Budget?
A: 25k

2. Q: Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Q: Preferred display type?
A: Any

4. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: Want to buy only reputed manufacturer's mobile. No Chinese or Indian makes.

5. Q: Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen

6. Q: Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like frontcamera/flash/etc.
A: Required. Camera should be decent. Flash compulsory. Front cam is a must for making video calls over Wi-Fi.

7. Q: Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android or WP8 preferred

8. Q: Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G and Wi-Fi

9. Q: What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Camera, video calls, music player, mails and internet.

10. Q: Any other requirements?
A: Don't require dual sim. White colour is a must. :p Local warranty preferred.

11. Q: If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
A: Nexus 4.

She is open to 2nd hand purchase too. Would a used galaxy s3 be possible in this budget? Please suggest.
Why not the xperia sl.? You can get a new one for that budget. Not sure whether there is a white version. Else the white color S2 for the same price.
In win 8 the lumia 820 is a good option.
Lumia 820. Convinced my dept. head to buy one (he's in his late 40's and was inclined to buy an Android device before; if it matters i.e.) and he's in love with the platform and the device as a whole. Very good build quality, removable back panel/battery, impressive battery life, intuitive OS which may appeal to a lady, very good camera, much more ergonomic than the 920 which is a bit bulkier and heavier.

Go to an outlet and let her have a hands-on if she hasn't done that yet.
If you don't have a problem with phones from abroad which don't have warranty, you can also try the Lumia 822. Available between 15-18k, it is a gem of a Win 8 phone which hasn't been released in India.
i would say avoid Sony phones ( older 2012 ) range , better go for Lumia 820 .. girls are choosy about design, so she might like Lumia range more .. and after Galaxy Grand , i would not pick the S III for her ( almost the same design and extra specs hardly matter for girls ) .
edit : if white is must then One X would be the pick ..
Lumia 820. Convinced my dept. head to buy one (he's in his late 40's and was inclined to buy an Android device before; if it matters i.e.) and he's in love with the platform and the device as a whole. Very good build quality, removable back panel/battery, impressive battery life, intuitive OS which may appeal to a lady, very good camera, much more ergonomic than the 920 which is a bit bulkier and heavier.

Go to an outlet and let her have a hands-on if she hasn't done that yet.

I was going to say the exact same thing. One of the girl I know chose the Lumia 820 and she is very satisfied with it. And the requirement of having a decent camera just seals the deal.
Thanks a lot guys.. Showed her this thread, and she is more inclined towards the Lumia 820 as of now. But she is also in a dilemma whether to spend this much on a mobile.. :S She might end up choosing something in the under 20K bracket. Let me find out how much she is willing to spend exactly.. Will get back here with more info tomorrow. :)
Thanks a lot guys.. Showed her this thread, and she is more inclined towards the Lumia 820 as of now. But she is also in a dilemma whether to spend this much on a mobile.. :S She might end up choosing something in the under 20K bracket. Let me find out how much she is willing to spend exactly.. Will get back here with more info tomorrow. :)

In which case, there's the Lumia 620 as well which comfortably fits under the 16k price tag. :D

And all the recently launched Lumia devices are available in different shades of candy so she's bound to like one!
Discussed the various options with my friend. Also showed her the specs and images of each. Unfortunately, the lumia series is out due to lack of FM radio. :( She forgot to mention it the first time. As of now, she has her eyes set on the Xperia SL. Any major problems with this device? It is on sale in eBay for Rs.21680 with bill and warranty. Good deal?