A story

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this link was sent to me by Hortense, and could u help her out by reading and telling her what you think about this.
I got the same message. You might want to run a virus scan on ur pc if you have opened it... i do not think opening a link sent by PM from a person with 0 posts is wise. Besides the text is literally "spamo generico" in content.... :)
Yup ..

Me Got the msg too from this stupid oaf .. didn opened it ..

^^ Greenie u mean there have been more of these cases in the past ..
Sorry to msg you out of the blue. Here's the thing.

I wrote a book together with a friend. My boyfriend keeps saying it's no good. I think he's just jealous tho. He's a big time poster here, so I told him I'm going to pick a random person here, and ask them, and we ended up betting on it.

So go to Asylum by Zeno & Chet : Chapter one and call it either way. Good or no good.


This is what I got :( :( .

Who is her boyfriend here?? :huh: :huh:
me got the PM too...and opened the link as i have full confidence on nod32...and the page looks like a text page with a single chapter

here is the screenshot

If u guys get anymore PMs, post here or PM me. hortense's serving a 9-point infraction now. 10 points = ban.
here are the PM contents

Sorry to msg you out of the blue. Here's the thing.

I wrote a book together with a friend. My boyfriend keeps saying it's no good. I think he's just jealous tho. He's a big time poster here, so I told him I'm going to pick a random person here, and ask them, and we ended up betting on it.

So go to Asylum by Zeno & Chet : Chapter one and call it either way. Good or no good.

me included....Thats the reason i said keep some post count to send members to pm in feedback section....or user decide whether he needs pm frm person having less than some number of post
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