A story

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lolz... i thought i was the only one to get the PM... it was mentioned that she'd choose some random person... i thought i m lucky this time... lolz... :rofl:
today first thing i got was a this pm notification popup.

saw the contents did not follow the link, reported to mod and trashed.

hope the infraction has gone on to necessary strength to install a ban to her.
Spacescreamer said:
^^ Greenie u mean there have been more of these cases in the past ..

nah, just that we just had a discussion if newbies should have limited PM abilities, and then this happend , thats all
hey she pm me at message :S at 4 day ago

she is asking for new computer part lol

i ask her why can you post that new thread she gave me that mobile number from mumbai lol for arrange some engineered

she need few help for get new rig

i sad why can you post that new thread she is getting confused

hey i got pm too

but i never get any virus :p

i have nod32 it scan auto scan

@kiran nice review about 64 bit :p

is is good for update new games is possible :bleh:

but 64 bit crash many time due you os corrupt

why you create that link kiran world :S

what is this :p
i just can't believe how that person has sent the message to everyone via pm. damn these jobless retards.

p.s At a time a person send pm to only 5 peeps and there is a time interval b/w each consequtive pm.
Well I got one too. Don't think it's a girl. Prolly some dude messing around. This sure is generating some excitement on TE though :bleh: .
KingKrool said:
Well I checked it out... appeared to be safe

1. I used a VM

2. I used another OS in that VM.

what you also need to do is disable your referer header :)

and disable javascript of course :D
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