A stunning new flagship device from Samsung

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If all goes well, the world will see a breathtaking new phone in Feb-2011. Guys at engadget got hold of a slide deck that showcases the feature set of Samsung’s next flagship device. It’s not the Nexus S. It is unnamed yet and here is the feature list:


4.3" or 4.5″ WVGA SAMOLED2 (yet to be confirmed)

1.2GHz CPU/16Gig memory

802.11a/b/g/n, DLNA, 14.4Mbps HSUPA, bluetooth 3

8mp camera with LED flasth, 1080p recording and playback

ebook reader with support for books, magazines and newspapers

It looks like Samsung has heard the cry from users regarding build quality. From the pictures, looks like the device comes with a metal body with a leather back. And the device looks super sexy.

source: Exclusive: Samsung 'flagship' phone with Gingerbread and huge display coming in early 2011 -- Engadget
Looks pretty good and solid coming from the South Koreans. :P

Much better than the SGS POS in terms of the looks. :P
was expecting 12MP camers since Satio and N8 have it.

But 4.5" screen, are you sure of that??? The previous highest for competition is 3.5" and Samsung is 4", thats gonna be HUGE man.
With 4.5" screen, how do they expect people to carry this hulk around. Carrying it in their hands like a gal everywhere one goes?.
I am guessing this would end up similar to a technology demonstrator or would be bought only by those people who like to have the biggest and baddest of them all. No self repecting guy would be seen walking around with such a huge phone in his hand.

Same specs with max 3.5" screen will be winner though.
Looks stunning ! Hope it feels the same and not plasticky chinese phone like the Galaxy S. :P
Superb phone !!!

Samsung always rocks in making phones with good hardware but they forget on some other minor sections like build quality and flash

Hope this will be a perfect smart phone

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

OverlorD said:
16Gig RAM?!?

Oh wooow!

lol!! you won't even easily find a PC and a lappy with so much RAM
A laundry list of reasons why this is fake:

1. HD Ready logo has an accent on the e
2. Screen size changes on the same slide
3. UI apes iPhone, looks nothing like Android (look at the notification bar)
4. One of the pictures is of an old VoIP phone
5. In the slide with the screen shot, the 'screen' doesn't fit the phone and is at the wrong angle. It is also a badly hacked picture of and iPhone 4, look at the silver band wrapping around the phone, why would anyone copy a broken design?
6. 'Clouding services' is a made up term, it is called cloud services.
7. DLNA is spelt wrong in the specs
8. The Google icons on the slide with the screenshot are awful quality, really bad cut and paste job.

Either Sammy have started employing 12 years in there PR department, or this is fake.

I really can't believe Engadget have run with this.

Someone posted it there :S
TechHead said:
...with equally amazing battery life. if this thing gets >8 hours, I'll be surprised.
+ 1 on that.... Hope this one doesn't come with a Car Battery.....!!! Lolzzz :P

Metalspree has already captured my thoughts.....!!! I swear.... I hadn't read his comment before posting..... :P
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