a stupid question about refrigeration but i need your help

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i got some 3-4 mc donalds burgers which i put in my refrigerator..

how log will it survive i.e safe to eat max ??
It was never safe to eat right from the moment you bought it. As for survival, It probably depends on how many day McDonalds have been holding on to the burger themselves and that god only knows. None of the stuff sold by McDonalds is made fresh and they have them ready to hand out and that is how you get the stuff immediately on ordering.

In any case, I have a seen a video where a McDonalds burger was kept in the open for 6 months. It didn't decompose like most most organic stuff would do. It just dried a bit and it looked not much different from when it was bought. I don't know what they do to it nor would I even like to know. Do note that this is for a burger made in US, Indian burgers might be different.
^ i saw the same on discovery or ngc (or maybe discovery science) i think. I remember, the lady who did that experiment said even ants didn't go near the burgers. :rofl:
HailStonE said:
3-4 McDonald's Burger to keep under refrigeration... Hmm...Did you win it in any contest... :lick:
just some leftovers from the restaurant , who would want to leave 5 burgers there alone costing 250 bucks ??
6pack said:
veg or meat burgers? normal or freezer compartment?

mc veggie , normal freezer compartment ..

how long it would survive ?? 24 hrs ?? 48 hrs ??

book appointment with your Doctor & on visit please don't tell what you eat else Consultancy charge will shoot like rocket :)
It will be pretty unpalatable even if it doesn't show any signs of decaying.

I think throwing 250 away is wiser for now. I think the doctors fees will be higher.

If I were you I would keep it for the next meal but not overnight. I've done that to pizza though and it was fine, as in I was fine after that. A few friends however have eaten overnight burgers but I don't know what happened after that.

In any case don't keep them for too long and eat a burger asap :-)

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rajeshjsl said:
just some leftovers from the restaurant , who would want to leave 5 burgers there alone costing 250 bucks ??

Just give em to people you are acquainted with. That way u wont risk ur health, and secondly the food is gonna get consumed sooner.

Thirdly, u earn brownie points.
rajeshjsl said:
how long it would survive ?? 24 hrs ?? 48 hrs ??

As long as you don't start retching as you take it out of the fridge its probably fit for consumption. Just microwave it before eating.
heh wuss!, i once had a el cheapo cake after 2 weeks of refrigeration and pizzas after 4 days a lot of times!..nothing happened
It should be Ok for 3-4 days. Just like kippu, I have survived 3-4 days old pizza leftovers just fine.

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kippu said:
heh wuss!, i once had a el cheapo cake after 2 weeks of refrigeration and pizzas after 4 days a lot of times!..nothing happened

Well yeah his queries do not apply to zombies! :P

But seriously what the heck? Pizzas after 4 days? The leftovers of the Dominos pizza that I generally order tend to smell like sh1t from the trash the very next day, thanks to the chicken and onions in it.
Kevin Lane said:
It should be Ok for 3-4 days. Just like kippu, I have survived 3-4 days old pizza leftovers just fine.

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Thats only if you put it in the fridge. 3-4 days is a safe window in which to eat any leftovers.

If its in the freezer compartment, i think it might be good for 1-2 months. If its a proper freezer than make that 6 months.
6pack said:
^ I remember, the lady who did that experiment said even ants didn't go near the burgers. :rofl:
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