A64 Memory rumours resolved.

OMG, thts sme great work done by those guys there, nd now really lookin the diff is very little in real-life compared to benchies .

Nice Linky TechHead :)
Yeah, those two really know their stuff! They've done insane stuff with Socket 754 systems.. heck, they are the President and CEO of the [H] S754 Fan Club!
Rockyme2002 said:
the diff is very little in real-life compared to benchies .

damn.. they beat me to it.. heheh..
TechHead tnx for posting the link bro.. ;) i had been wondering about the same too.. Coz, CPU OCed or not, it makes little difference in FPS in games.. that had made me wonder there might not be as much of a phenomenal difference as posted by the synthetic benchmarks..
these benchmarks were run on 754 rig right? wonder if a 939 rig makes that much of a real-world difference.. :D
TheMask said:
damn.. they beat me to it.. heheh..
TechHead tnx for posting the link bro.. ;) i had been wondering about the same too.. Coz, CPU OCed or not, it makes little difference in FPS in games.. that had made me wonder there might not be as much of a phenomenal difference as posted by the synthetic benchmarks..
these benchmarks were run on 754 rig right? wonder if a 939 rig makes that much of a real-world difference.. :D

S939 -> 2-3% diff, max. Not more.. it was the first question I asked them ;)
There goes the need for fancy TCCD.. My D43 pwnz j00!