Aakash Tablet UBISLATE on Ebay\Rs. 2,990.00

ekkk the thing is not a very good tablet at all, pls use this before you buy it...

But i get to say Youtube works very well feels like a 10k tablet for youtube but for other things not so much.
Sold >250 units in 4 days (04 May listing).. People seem to really like it.

..says 48 units left.
All the stock of Ubislate/Akash Tablet that is appearing nowadays on e-retail websites was meant for IIT and other educational Institutes, it was rejected by them for being too laggy and having a too short battery life. And they rejected it even when getting @ price of 1600 / piece.

So I think everyone here should keep that in mind when thinking about buying it.

I think it's a tablet that can do nothing properly that it's meant to do.