About Bob Woolmer

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Even tho, 3 pathologists from 3 diff countries have *all* concurred
- it was not a murder.
- that the first diagnosis made in Jamaica was wrong.

Even tho this case, a rather famous one by now, and any pathologist lending his/her name to this case would be on national papers, had better be damn sure of the facts and have nothing to gain by saying otherwise.

That the Jamaican Police chief in charge of the case said
- it was not his job to argue with the first doctor's verdict.
- that they coudn't double check on the facts, so they released his statement at the time it was made. Just so nobody could accuse them of a cover up or lack of transparency.

The majority of ppl i discuss this with (in India) refuse to believe it is anything but... a murder !

..as he was believed to be very close to completing a book that would expose the underworld and other influential ppl (on the take) in Pakistan.
Hard to take that in, guess we can't do much about it. While we may feel in ourselves it was a backstage job there are chances that the latest autopsy is actually right, he was not murdered.
I think, the investigators & doctors worked together to give out uniform information without creating much doubts. To me, it looks like a murder.
The British tabloids had a field day with this case as written about here

Wiki chronicles the events here, The first doctor to examine, an Indian, *still* sticks with his murder diagnosis.
Even the highly respected UK Current affairs program Panorama got it wrong

In a Mephistophelean deal and in return for precious access and interviews, this once- great programme, whose job it is to vector and vector again all its information so that it in effect becomes a journal of record, got the story 100 per cent wrong. Now Panorama has had to endure the excruciating pain of learning publicly that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes after all. It's a mark of how much the BBC cares about this clanger that it left the original wholly incorrect Panorama report on its BBC press office website.

A tacit admission that even the Brits believe, that one of thier own wasn't murdered.
He died a natural death. Let's not feed controversy theorist trolls, and accept the official version without giving it a second thought.

Yamaraj said:
He died a natural death. Let's not feed controversy theorist trolls, and accept the official version without giving it a second thought.


i am drawing that conclusion, indirectly from the links posted above.

Does the ICC have the clout to silence this, hardly.

We saw their go-by-the-book attitude at the finals... right :)
Yes they did, right at the beginning, that doctor still claims it was just that and that he was right.

It was the second opinions, which came later from the other 3 that overruled it.
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