User Guides Accessing Internet on Symbian phone over bluetooth

I finally got ICS between my PC network and my Symbian Nokia 3230 up....

- Way faster than GPRS
- Very convenient for browsing while lying on a bed or in the loo :ashamed:


- Most Symbian phones do not support a Bluetooth based access point natively (Only GPRS and dial-up) thereby making it a not so straightforward option to get this running, so I had to use a tool called Gnubox to get this running. Gnubox makes the required config changes in the phone's defined Access points to enable bluetooth data access
Basicall we will be using a proxy dial up connection between the PC and the symbian phone over Bluetooth

PC steps:

- Added a Bluetooth dongle (500/- Rs. from ritchie street)
- created a Bluetooth Serial Port with Secure Connection Required in the Local Services of advanced configuration of bluetooth setup. This will have the name COMn (Com6 for me)

- Control Panel>Phone and Modem options and added a modem of type 'Communications cable between two computers' connected on Bluetooth Serial Port COMn

- Created a new user name: abc, pw: xyz

- Control Panel>Network Connections > New Connection Wizard, create an incoming connection (No VPN, Tickmark COMn, enable user abc)

- Install AnalogX (or any other proxy server of ur choice)

Phone steps:

- Install Gnubox_3230.sis (or gnubox_6600/gnubox_xyz depending on ur phone model) from here:

- Go to the phone control panel and create an internet access point. Name it 'Bt' . Make sure you set it to use 'Data call' as the bearer. (It may be named 'CSD' or 'Dial-up' on your phone. ) Set the number to call to something that cannot be called (e.g 321), user ID as abc, pw: xyz
- Accesspoint>advanced options, Enter DNS Server IP (the DNS IP that your ISP has given u for your PC), Enter Proxy IP (The bluetooth PAN IP of your PC, just use cmd>ipconfig /all to get this)
and proxy port (6588 if u r using AnalogX)
- Start GnuBox. Now you should see on the screen that the DialOutISP record is found, and the phone number you just entered is printed on the screen. However, the ModemBearer should still show 'No rec'.
- Select Options|Install|Create records
- Exit gnubox with Options|Exit.
- Start GnuBox again. Now you should see on the screen that the ModemBearer is shown and the 'No rec' error is gone.
- Create the bluetooth pairing between your phone and the computer.
- launch GnuBox. Select Install->set RAS login script. Then select 2box bluetooth->Serial port. On the upcoming device selection dialog, select your computer, and in the question about encryption click Yes (or OK if you only have that).
- Launch your phone browser and enjoy, you may alsio want to downoad stuff like Agile messenger (Cross platform messenger for S60 phones )
hmm,,,forgot to add that the only issue was the very limited range of the bluetooth what I did was added a USB extn cable and placed the BT dongle smack in the center corner of my living room, and now I get decent reception nearly everywhere i n the house....
Oww...that's sad, no replies as yet :(

At least give this a try folks, it is pretty cool to access the net for free on a handheld wireless device....

This will work for any BT enabled symbian phone
Just an update: Using Net-front, I can access nearly all sites on Symbian now...

Unlike the defalt web browser that comes with Nokian Symbian phones which can access only wap pages, Net front can read and correctly render nearly all web pages while also resizing and reformatting the pages to fit ur mobile screen.....

Apart from regular web pages. I can now access Gmail, Yahoo and even ICICI direct :-O on the phone....
Well, dont u need some software on the Cellphone? Access of internet over Bluetooth :S, i havent tried this, ill try with my frnds bluetooth dongle..
the gnubox is all u need n the cell....and of course opera or netfront unless u want to be straddled with the stupid defaul wap browser on the phone
superczar said:
I finally got ICS between my PC network and my Symbian Nokia 3230 up....

- Way faster than GPRS
- Very convenient for browsing while lying on a bed or in the loo :ashamed:


- Most Symbian phones do not support a Bluetooth based access point natively (Only GPRS and dial-up) thereby making it a not so straightforward option to get this running, so I had to use a tool called Gnubox to get this running. Gnubox makes the required config changes in the phone's defined Access points to enable bluetooth data access
Basicall we will be using a proxy dial up connection between the PC and the symbian phone over Bluetooth

PC steps:

- Added a Bluetooth dongle (500/- Rs. from ritchie street)
- created a Bluetooth Serial Port with Secure Connection Required in the Local Services of advanced configuration of bluetooth setup. This will have the name COMn (Com6 for me)

- Control Panel>Phone and Modem options and added a modem of type 'Communications cable between two computers' connected on Bluetooth Serial Port COMn

- Created a new user name: abc, pw: xyz

- Control Panel>Network Connections > New Connection Wizard, create an incoming connection (No VPN, Tickmark COMn, enable user abc)

- Install AnalogX (or any other proxy server of ur choice)

Phone steps:

- Install Gnubox_3230.sis (or gnubox_6600/gnubox_xyz depending on ur phone model) from here:
GnuBox on SonyEricsson P80x/P90x/P910 and Nokia Series60 phones

- Go to the phone control panel and create an internet access point. Name it 'Bt' . Make sure you set it to use 'Data call' as the bearer. (It may be named 'CSD' or 'Dial-up' on your phone. ) Set the number to call to something that cannot be called (e.g 321), user ID as abc, pw: xyz
- Accesspoint>advanced options, Enter DNS Server IP (the DNS IP that your ISP has given u for your PC), Enter Proxy IP (The bluetooth PAN IP of your PC, just use cmd>ipconfig /all to get this)
and proxy port (6588 if u r using AnalogX)
- Start GnuBox. Now you should see on the screen that the DialOutISP record is found, and the phone number you just entered is printed on the screen. However, the ModemBearer should still show 'No rec'.
- Select Options|Install|Create records
- Exit gnubox with Options|Exit.
- Start GnuBox again. Now you should see on the screen that the ModemBearer is shown and the 'No rec' error is gone.
- Create the bluetooth pairing between your phone and the computer.
- launch GnuBox. Select Install->set RAS login script. Then select 2box bluetooth->Serial port. On the upcoming device selection dialog, select your computer, and in the question about encryption click Yes (or OK if you only have that).
- Launch your phone browser and enjoy, you may alsio want to downoad stuff like Agile messenger (Cross platform messenger for S60 phones )
i am HaViNG SoME ProBlEm i DiD AlL ThOsE STePS But I Am ONlY gettIng ProBlEm WiTh THe DnS I WanT To kNOw WHErE To put The AdDREss In adVanCe SEtTiNgS BeCaUSe I CaNT fINd AnY fIeLD LIKe DnS iN ThEre , I Am UsiNg 3230!!!:( :( :( :( :rofl:
if its a DNS error,then u might not have set the proxy config/NAT properly.

PS:Next time,pls don't use the alternate case when typing.Its very irritating to read :)
hi,nice guide

i have tried different things b4 but this one looks most authentic,
i have a 6600 but dont have the install option in gnubox..
the options i get are
>2box direct
>2box dialup
>1box phone

i'll go through the gnu site ,could u find some help for this bcoz
its the older symbian in 6600

for 6600/7650 users refer to details here.
Symbian Programming - Bluetooth WAP/Sync/Internet - Mika Raento

i have used both opera and net front and in my opinion opera is much better.

thx for the guide
Dood! This is so awesome! And the great news is, TE is going places! :hap2: I hadn't checked this thread before, and now that I'm considering the n73, I was snooping around for tips and tricks. And I actually found this thread though a link in HowardForums! :clap: (you can see it in the link-backs shown below).

Awesome! Great going :D
Unfortunately the 6680/6630 dont support bluetooth serial connection , so this wouldnt work on my 6681... any other way out ?