Accessories For Samsung Galaxy R....suggestions Please!

Hi Guys,

I have ordered my first smartphone - Samsung Galaxy R and want to take good care of it and take full advantage of its features as well. Need your valuable suggestions on which accessories should I buy (Have developed sudden craze for Smartphones
) ....

1) Screen Guard - Should i buy local or branded. If branded then any particular brand...Concern: It should not affect the touch sensation of the phone.

2) Cover - Should i buy a hard cover or a soft one, branded or unbranded, if branded then which brand....Concern: It should not affect call reception/data speeds and should not be a hinderance while using the phone. Also, it should give decent protection if the phone falls.

3) Blue Tooth Headset

4) Any other accessory for connecting the phone to TV, Computer and other electronic devices...

The first thing I am doing is to buy a screen guard which i believe is most urgent...

Guys, desparately waiting for your suggestions and pardon my ignorance
