Laptops Acer 5745 -- Brand New Over Heating

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I bought a acer 5745 abt 3-4 days back. So far so gud, just a lil problem, I think it gets too hot.

Yesterdat i was converting a 700mb video file to put in to my PSP. The cpu usage was 100%, It was hardly abt 1-2 mins and cpu temp went to 84 and was contant around 81-82. Now
I also played cs source and temp were around 74-76 just after playing for hardly 5 mins. For normal stuff like movies , web surfing temp never goes above 42 ( these days temp is around 30 in dlehi).

Is this normal or shld i call up acer ?
soory , i am new to laptop. My pc never goes above 55-60.
What application did you use to monitor the temperatures? Was the laptop operated on top of a bed/cushion/pillow or was it a flat surface like a table?
^^ I have Realtemp at my start up. It shows my temp of both the cores. N no i dont put my laptop on bed, cushion or lap, Sumtyms on lap but its mostly on floeer or table. It was on floor when i did the video conversion adn it was early morning like 7-8 am.

Are the temperatures usual ?

Shld i get it chckd or replaced ?

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any1 can help ?

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Any1 knows where can i get the laptop laminated in nehru place ..? and for how much ..? some gud shop ?
The idle temperatures are ok but the temps while converting is quite high,it will be best if you can ask other users of the same model no. about the temperatures.
Could you check the load temperatures with an alternate application like Core Temp or Speedfan? If they indicate the same, it is a cause of worry indeed. Take the laptop to the dealer and show the results in front of him and get a replacement quick!

Why do you want to get it laminated? Get a spare foldable USB keyboard from ebay and use a screen guard.
^^ almost no laptops have a vent on the bottom these days. The vents are on the side/back. The thing that you see at the bottom is just for little bit of additional cooling and fitted with a dust filter.
ok i called up acer customer care today @1800-3000-2237. I tld him how temp rise to 87 with in 2-3 mins of 100% cpu usage. He asked me does the laptop shutsdown. I said no as i shut it down or close that work. The idiot said he cannot register a case as there is no problem. So if i have to lock a case i wld ahave to lie and say the laptop shuts down. If i do thta , the engg wld visit but infornnt of him , the laptop wont shutdown. So am confused wt to do now ..?

Shld i goback to the dealer and report it to him( he just totally dumb) or call up acer.

*** i have 3 yrs warranty on this laptop.

*Can anyone suggest me acer forum . am trying to search for last 5 mins , cldnt find any !!

are u sure that ur lap is under 3 yr warranty (normally all acer laptops comes with 1 yr). The Acer toll free staff only makes decisions on predefined process & problems as directed by Acer asia only.You only have to walk in to near acer ASP and file a case there.
Hi Himansu

I have a Acer Aspire 4745 the internals are the same as urs except mine is 14inch ,so when it heats up just check if the internal fan is moving or not (U can by putting ur hand near lappy's vents ),if its not check for bios update at acer support .

If its functioning either u have to change the TP or the HS is loosely connected .... as of mine i changed the TP with AC MX-3 now the temps are below 70 @ full load

Hope it solves ur problem :)
^^ Vivek90 u came like a life saver . I was about to but 4745. But anywaz. Now the fan is moving, i can feel the air coming ouut, especially when its HOT and already on the latest BIOS update. 1.16 so far.

I knw this is going to sound dumb but that do u mean by TP or HS.

can i do it on my own or shld i call up acer engg. It still under warranty and i dont wanna void it !
TP - thermal paste, the substance sandwiched between the heatsink (abbreviated as HS in his post) and the chip's IHS (abb. for internal heat spreader). If you do it on your own, chances are that you will void the warranty. Call up a service engg and show these issues.

Google for the images if you still did not get it.
^ ThX

Be-careful ,do at ur own risk !!!

If u can manage it carefully u can ,keeping the screws of each section separately .... I have done it myself ,with out voiding warranty :D

Mine is one month old .
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