Acoustic Foam Suggestions


Mostly harmless.
Hi all

I need some acoustic foam/soundproofing for my door... it lets in a lot of sound, like other doors closing and the TV etc. In winters when everything else is quieter these are quite bothersome, especially since I WFH.

I found these options on Amazon:
MMT Acoustix 1in®-Soundproofing-Acoustic-Professional/dp/B089CY78WV - 1k for 18pcs
Freqncy® Pyramid 2in®-Pyramid-Acoustic-Soundproofing-Theatre/dp/B0CY56L6GR - 1.5k for 18
YGM Acoustic 2in - 1.3k for 18
DWB Acoustic 2in - 270 for 4

Any experience with any of these brands, or any other suggestions?
For preventing sound through a door you need to seal the air gaps, the sides, top and bottom. You get rubber type strips with adhesive that you can put in the gaps. There are also particular door stops which form a seal between the ground and the door and drop down when the door is closed and pull up into the housing when the door is opened. I don't have links or company names or any details for this though. Ask around locally.

Also if your door doesn't have enough mass then even with the above it might leak sound.

Finally it is very hard to soundproof a door, depending upon the levels and frequency your trying to contain/keep out.
I agree with the above points. The gaps are the main problem and you should try to address that first. Even after that if you're not satisfied, depending on your budget, consider adding a second door or try increasing the mass by adding a layer of 4mm or thicker mass loaded vinyl (it's extremely heavy, so make sure it is mounted securely).
One of the main sources of sound noise are the windows. A heavy thick curtain can help with that. Blackout curtains with thick sound blocking helps a bit. Also good are moving blankets over windows.
I guess those acoustic foams are to prevent the echoing of the sound inside a room and not much to prevent the outside noise. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Maybe you should try these (door and window seals) first and see if such noises are still present:
These are useless already tried but for other purposes but no impact on sound!
I'm also looking for a soundproof technique esp. for slider windows to help in sound dampening by a considerable amount...80%+.
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