Adobe roadmap for the Flash runtimes | Adobe Developer Connection
Adobe has been working closely with Google to develop a single, modern API for hosting plug-ins within the browser. The PPAPI, code-named "Pepper", aims to provide a layer between the plug-in and browser that abstracts away differences between browser and operating system implementations. You can find more information on the Pepper API at ppapi - Pepper Plugin API - Google Project Hosting.
Because of this work, Adobe has been able to partner with Google in providing a "Pepper" implementation of Flash Player for all x86/64 platforms supported by the Google Chrome browser. Google will begin distributing this new Pepper-based Flash Player as part of Chrome on all platforms, including Linux, later this year.
For Flash Player releases after 11.2, the Flash Player browser plug-in for Linux will only be available via the "Pepper" API as part of the Google Chrome browser distribution and will no longer be available as a direct download from Adobe. Adobe will continue to provide security updates to non-Pepper distributions of Flash Player 11.2 on Linux for five years from its release.
Flash Player will continue to support browsers using non-"Pepper" plug-in APIs on platforms other than Linux.
Adobe will be providing a debug player implementation of the Flash Player browser plug-in on Linux, and will update this document once there are more details on how it will be distributed.
As of Adobe AIR 3, Adobe has discontinued support for Adobe AIR for Linux operating systems.