Adobe strikes back: no Flash for iPhone, end of story?

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Supra said:
Anyways apple will be down soon again likein early 90s :P

:rofl::rofl: Ever heard of app store? That's one reason it won't go down anytime soon.The company most likely to do down is nokia with it's long list of POS phones
^ That's because designers would rather use a Mac than a PC.
If forced to chose, 10/10 users would switch to PCs if Photoshop were at stake.
Lord Nemesis said:
Actually WPF is not a flash competitor. It does not work cross platform and is not compact either as it depends on the .Net runtimes. The flash contender is Silverlight and it works on both Windows and Mac. Linux has the moonlight project going on. Silverlight is shaping up nicely, and its being ported to many platforms including mobile ones like Symbian.

The problem is that this too runs bad on Mac OS due to OS Bugs (From the analysis I did when I was writing code for Silverlight 2), though not as bad as Flash. Also Silverlight on iPhone OS is mostly out of question. One of the main strong points with having silverlight on Mobile platforms is that you can develop cross platform standalone apps. So basically its a development layer rather than a simple app and Apple would never allow this to happen on iPhone OS.

+1 to wat your said Lord , But i do miss Java and Flash on the iphone . Even implementing Javafx on iphone could be a big plus point as the current 1.3 version does support Mac OS . But just to make more quids , Apple is being Narrow head and does not want any other entity making more moolah .
Saumil said:
If forced to chose, 10/10 users would switch to PCs if Photoshop were at stake.

Sorry for the OT... but that cracked me up... lol... Forcing isn't much choosing isn't it? :P
Not only Flash but Java - Ruby - .Net - and Python codes all are blocked . An Apple a day can keep many things away .
Considering almost half of the photoshop sales come from macs it could be the other way round too .

must be nice living in reality distortion field. almost half is a joke when less than 15% of comps are macs and not all macs are used for design...
Yes , the 'reality distortion field' is very exciting , you should join me too . I was just quoting what i read in engadget (steve jobs open letter i guess) the other day . Do you have sales figures to prove that this is indeed untrue ? Or are you using advanced statistical hypothesis you envisaged to prove that this is not true.
hmmm, interesting discussion. Surprisingly no one talked about silverlight.

So MS not opting for flash, neither does Apple. I wonder now, what could be the possible reasons.

My belief is that when MS develop their own version of some already develped technology, it always is linked with MONEY. Who knows what is cooking inside this time. Biggies locking their horns for technology reasons, Naaah.

An interesting blog post.

The iPhone Fever: HTML5 Coming summer 2022

Most people comparing HTML 5 to Flash are ignoring the fact that HTML 5 is just a specification and its up to each browser how good or bad its implemented. It also means that it would take quite a bit of time to get standardized and accepted (Wiki suggests 12 years more) although we start seeing browser implementations which would be partial or non standard till that time. Even after HTML 5 kicks in, I don't think flash would disappear. Flash is to Web as Windows is to the OS market. You simply cannot replace it as long as people keep using it.

saumilsingh said:
Adobe should take away Photoshop from Macs. Apple would go down under the very next day .

saumilsingh said:
^ That's because designers would rather use a Mac than a PC.

If forced to chose, 10/10 users would switch to PCs if Photoshop were at stake.

Apple no longer cares about its professional software user market if don't realize it yet. During the 80's and early 90's professional DTP aids from Adobe, my own company, and a few other companies developing professional software in other domains popularized the Apple brand name. Back then Apple hardware and software was cool and considerably superior to PC's and developers made professional software for it. Any one into DTP had to by a Mac not just because it was superior, but cause the software was only available for that platform. After its fall and rise, Apple used its brand value to successfully diversify into other markets with iPod and iPhone. Now majority of their investments go into those products. They no longer care about supporting their professional user market. They no longer invest money for supporting that market or do they support their professional app developers like they did before. Bugs fixes important to such developers are fixed on low priority and often ignored altogether. There are at least a couple of times in the recent past when they forced their Desktop OS team to stop work and moved them to iPhone OS to get that done on priority. I think they have enough Fanboi's in the world (who buy mac's blindly for the most mundane tasks) for them to care about their photoshop or any other professional app user market. Consequently a lot of such customers are shifting to Windows theses days. Windows to Mac customer ratio is no longer what it used to be for us and I guess it would be the same for Adobe as well.
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