Car & Bike Advice for DIY car stereo..

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I recently got a Maruti 800 from my parents after they decided to upgrade. Its a 2003 model without AC or stereo. Since its an old vehicle i don't see a point trying to spend a lot for the car stereo, HU, Amp, Speakers. Thought will go the DIY way. Coming to the project

Plan is to try to put one of these in the car.

F&D F - 322U 2.1 Multimedia Speakers | Speaker |


F&D A-520 2.1 Multimedia Speakers | Speaker |

Will have to power these using

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or can try to open the sub and see if i can bypass the transformer and directly power it from car battery since most of the speakers run on DC 12 v ...

My question is
1) Has anyone tried it before ??
2) will It be worth the effort ?
3) Will the car battery be able to take the load ??
4) The DC to AC converter says it can take a load of 100w, Will that be enough for the speakers ??
I guess so ... Would have gone for it if i could have added a sub to those chinese USB HU ... would that be possible ??
What are 6 x 9 's ? Sorry for the question but am a noob at this ... Any particular ones you would suggest within a budget of 2 k ? And in case i want to upgrade can i include it in the setup ?
6 x 9 is the diameter of the speakers.. 6 x 9 means its an oval speaker with 6 inch diameter on axis and 9 inch diameter on the other.. round speakers will just have 1 diameter spec.. like 4 inches, 5, 6 and so on.. a min. of 6 x 9 is recommended according to me because anything lesser than that and you wont have optimal bass in your songs.. especially the 4 inchers.. they are more like large tweeters with almost no bass at all. they are only good for higher frequencies and you wont even see the diaphragm vibrate which will be clearly visible in speakers with good bass.. what is your budget by the way???

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i'd suggest you buy pioneer 6 x 9.. .pioneer is among one of the best brands if you're on a strict budget.. .please dont go for the sony xplod series by any chance.. you'll end up wasting your money.. other good brands are kenwood, JBL etc etc.. .. but you gotta spend more for them.. I personally like Kenwood best... you can even look at kenwood .. another good brand with lots of value for money.... among the more expensive brands, kenwood will also provide you choices on a budget.. ..dont go in for the kind of speakers you have suggested above.. try looking for budget car speakers as they will be much more convenient to install, and also, car speakers will be much more durable considering all the jerks while driving..

PS: beware of duplicate pioneer speakers.. i have a friend in calcutta who showed me both the duplicate and original pioneer speakers.. and he properly explained to me how to tell the difference.. theres lot of difference in the finishing of the original and duplicate pioneer but it is visible clearly only if you put them side to side.. if you only look at the duplicates, you wont be able to tell them apart just by the finishing and build quality.. look for the original pioneer logo, and plus it will also have a unique product code on the speakers somewhere near the magnet.. or on the back side.. the duplicate ones do not have these unique codes as if they do, they will be in violation of trademarks and copyrights..

even reputed dealers with good showrooms keep the duplicate pioneers and cheat customers. .so make sure you have got someone trustworthy..
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