Advice needed for Setting I.T. Lab.

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On a Journey called Life :P
As the title say's, we are about to have a new I.T. Lab at our college and so our management have asked for the suggestions on who do we expect the I.T. Lab to be and how to design it

We already have 30 pc's and now we are about to add another 30 which will add another lab.

so what are the thing we should have in an advanced I.T.Lab.

tell me what are the type of lab setup at u'r colleges or use to have them and what do u expect the lab to be like.

please suggest thing in an proper format

we also need pc's so instead of starting new thread in pc buying thread, asking that to here only :

only 30 pc's with one high ended pc and 29 normal pc which can handle the .net and all programing software.

thank you for reading

have a nice day ahead
My uncle owe's nice share in a famour college here, recently they also had setup their new IT lab with 65+ PC, they had just gone with HCL netop, they are damm cheap and even are capable to handle basic progamming software including C, .net, and java.

Try to contact with HCL and have a quote from them... : thank you

now any one there can tell me what can be the best setup for an Lab ???

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like the above links the setup is there where each line is reffered as a pc so is it a good type or should there be any new type of setting Pc's for more proper approch
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