Laptops Advice Needed: Getting Macbook White

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Got hold of a Macbook White for 30k with following specs
2.4ghz core2duo
2gb ram
160gb hdd
Intel GMA X3100 onboard graphics.

please tell me how good is X3100 with Playing games etc.
I also have an HP DV 6725EE with
1.83 core2duo
1gb ram
160 hdd
8400gs graphic

please also tell me whether the HP is better or macbook
Upgrade the RAM to 2gigs and the HP will walk all over the MB in games. The GPUs are worlds apart. The X3100 can probably run very old games like Counter Strike and HL2 on medium settings while slightly more modern games like GoW or BF2 should be playable on the 8400M. The gaming prowess of the MB vs MB Pro (equipped with a 8600M) is posted out here: It's evident that the X3100 struggles with anything that's not from the Pentium 3 era.

In general productivity tasks, the MB should be a bit faster but the performance won't be really noticeable.

Btw, you don't buy a MB to play games. For all that apparently unsophisticated stuff, you're better off with a Dell/HP etc.

EDIT: I hope that HP is still working fine and pray that it doesn't give you the well known nvidia 8xxx kick in the future.
Thats a not-preferable comparision. How can you compare a MacBook with an HP?

You intend to run Windows right? Why do you consider a MacBook then?

I should say that unless you want to play games(which even the HP will struggle with since its GPU is also nothing to talk home about), the MacBook would be faster and better.

If you are a gamer, 8400 GS wont take you anywhere far. And if you arent a gamer, the MacBook is evidently a better choice.

If those machines are priced similarly, the MacBook should be preferable, which holds true even if the HP is priced lower.

I say MacBook, and trust me 30k for that machine is a good deal.
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