Advice on Mp3 players/memory card

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Enclave Plus
I'll be buying the following items pretty soon.

1) a transcend T sonic 610

the problem is , i can get a 1gb version at tvm for 3.5k, or the 2G version for 3.8k from a friend in chennai.

the decision is a no brainer :P , but the issue here is , if i want the 2G, I'll need to to be shipped to my mysore prison ;) , and i wont be able to load it with the stuff i love ( a bit esoteric :ashamed: ). if i buy the 1G from here , I'll be able to fill'er up and go :D

2)An MSI mega player 256 MB

this one's for dad, and he wants it mainly for data transfer + the occasional MP3. i CAN use it for data transfer right? storage will not be an issue since I'm getting a 1GB sd card(see below) for my cam, so can share. the other el cheapo alternative is a 512 MB "igo" player... its a generic brand , dunno the quality, but the price is in the same range... however, i think I'm better off with the MSI. the AAA battery is also a problem , but i think i can get a pair of rechargeables. anyone has a msi mega player around here ? i want to know if its poor sound quality is due to the crappy stock heaphones or the player itself ( cuz i can always get something better :) )

3) SD cards


LEXAR - 1400

SanDisk 1550

dunno if there is any diff, but the lexar seemed to be rather plain, even with the packaging... just plain blue , so not sure if it was authentic.

any help on the above stuff is appreciated

also, please dont mention alternative products/ prices available elsewhere unless they are in trivandrum :P
Get the 2GB. No brainer.. burn your music on some DVDs and take it with you to Mysore.

Card prices are fine.. you checked out Toshiba? What speed are both the cards?
TechHead said:
Get the 2GB. No brainer.. burn your music on some DVDs and take it with you to Mysore.

eh heh :ashamed: that didnt dawn on me

Card prices are fine.. you checked out Toshiba? What speed are both the cards?
these are the only ones they had, there were some generic brands though. not sure about the speed. inquired over phone... staff dont have much of an idea anyway :P . what's a good rule of thumb when it comes to speed? is it critical :huh:
Yep get the 2gb Tsonic and carry the music with you on DVDs. But beware the default earphones that come with the tsonic suck really bad....
greenhorn said:
eh heh :ashamed: that didnt dawn on me
these are the only ones they had, there were some generic brands though. not sure about the speed. inquired over phone... staff dont have much of an idea anyway :P . what's a good rule of thumb when it comes to speed? is it critical :huh:

What are you going to use the cards for? Video or stills? Which camera?
Thumb rule - 60X or faster for good video capture and burst-mode stills.
yup... i know that , thats why mesa planning to get some of these yummy sennheisers in creative clothing ;)

but i dont know if the bad sound in the MSI mega player is due to the player or the headphones :(

TechHead said:
What are you going to use the cards for? Video or stills? Which camera?
Thumb rule - 60X or faster for good video capture and burst-mode stills.

just occasional plain jane stills , its for my sister actually. occasionally might do double duty in the above mentioned MSI player .
Anish said:
^^ SP Road, will be about 3.5k

Also, are those Creative's OEM sennheisers :S ?

apparently they(creative, senn) share a common OEM , foster

btw, you sure its a 2GB version going for 3.5k?

i got the msi mega player for 2.2k, and a sandisk 1GB sd card(1.5K)... the prices for lexar (2k) and kingston (3k) are way too much :S

initial impressions: the stock headphones suck in the very full sense of the term. absolutely no bass. wouldnt know what bass was even if it put on a bass costume, put on bass musk, and danced in the middle of a lake in the middle of bass mating season :P . but the player sounds okay though. using it with my discman earphones. plugged in the SD card, and the card and internal memory got detected seperately. the buttons in this one seem easier to use than the transcend .

EDIT: any other places to get the transcend from bangalore? I've gotten lost several times in bangalore , so somewhere easy to find would be helpful :ashamed:
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