Air cooler in computer room

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Lord Nemesis

Need to cool my room (which also happens to have my PC) and I could not get an AC into the room due to various reasons. I would need to do a lot of electrical and physical modifications and its a rented house and its too much hassle since I have a flat under construction which would in done within two years.

I know its generally a bad idea to have a cooler in a room with a computer due to humidity, but has anyone tried it?

Are there any coolers that can cool decently (don't need to chill the entire room) without throwing water or filling the air with humidity. What are my other options apart from a pedestal fan that I use?
I read a few reviews about it and as per the feedback, its more like an air cooler and less like an AC. Also there are several complaints that it doesn't last long.
^ he wants to cool his room. Putting more fans in comp will only increase temp of room with even more hot air being circulated by computer.
Only option would be to get a ceiling fan. I'm sure there's a hook in room to install it.
Depends on a lot on the humidity of your room. From personal experience of staying in dry Ahmedabad, my desert cooler barely had no negative effects on my computer except perhaps my CPU hsf, which got slightly more whitish corrosion on it (already had some on it). Everything else was fine and didn't show any visible corrosion/rust.
Got an air cooler in the end. Its a compact Butterfly branded model and cost me 7.8k. Its quite powerful, but with the humidity control turned down and the fan on lowest setting, its doing a pretty good job without spewing water/mist or filling the room with humidity. So far satisfied with it.
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