Air deccan bookin

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Oh come on. Late and cancelled flights are the norm everywhere. And don't give me "in the Us they would.....". The only place where that works is Europe thanks to the new EU directives.

Eg. a guy I know took 5 days to travel from India to Austin!!! Why? Cos he had to spend 2 days at chicago and 1 day in houston thanks to American Airlines.

As for the rest of it, they may be really terrible for all I know.

And as for Jet - I hav never travelled by it, but my sis has. And she told me that the Air sickness bags were somewhere up front and not in the pouch attached to the seat in front of you! So if you need to puke, first you need to get up, walk to the front, and then puke in front of whichever poor dude is sitting near the puke bag.
As for the transaction screw up, the reverse SSO method followed on almost all sites with online transactions enabled can screw up at times (I have faced it on sites ranging from Air Deccan to Airtel to Newegg and Tigerdirect)

and to give Deccan its fair share of credit, their reference number method is pretty good actually!

yea the ref number gives me something to rant about as proof :P in case something goes wrong ...

@chaos i think u have had the worst experience with Air Dhakkan er deccan so far :P its cheap man thats about it and good things dont come real cheap do they :P take the asrock mobo udit got for instance it aint all that great ( compared to the better boards around) but does the job :P (this is a tech site after all :D)

travelling to the US or UK is worse i guess ... because of their whole THREAT level thing ...
KingKrool said:
Oh come on. Late and cancelled flights are the norm everywhere. And don't give me "in the Us they would.....". The only place where that works is Europe thanks to the new EU directives.
Eg. a guy I know took 5 days to travel from India to Austin!!! Why? Cos he had to spend 2 days at chicago and 1 day in houston thanks to American Airlines.
As for the rest of it, they may be really terrible for all I know.
And as for Jet - I hav never travelled by it, but my sis has. And she told me that the Air sickness bags were somewhere up front and not in the pouch attached to the seat in front of you! So if you need to puke, first you need to get up, walk to the front, and then puke in front of whichever poor dude is sitting near the puke bag.

LOL air sickness bags are in the seat pocket right in front of you in Jet :P. Maybe they didn't replace it in your sister's seat. If any american carrier offloads you, they pay you for it and give you accomodation to stay. If your friend didn't ask for either, well thats unfortunate. Since the terrorist threats, the flights out and into Europe have gone completely haywire. I wouldn't blame only the airline for it.
has anyone ever found a life jacket under the seat in any doemestic airline? of course the air crew demo the life jacket but do you know that most airlines dont place lifejackets like they're supposed to?
Apparently Deccan has a code & seat-sharing agreeement with Jet now

So if a Deccan flight gets cancelled, and if there are seats available on a Jet flight on the same route, they'll (hopefully) fix you up there and vice versa...

And bad service or not, 'tis thanks to Deccan that I can take a Chennai-Cal-Patna flight and be back for 10K

They were the first and still are the primary proponents of budget flights in India, And I like and respect them for that!
Well my friend travelled before all hell broke lose in London.

And don't tell me that they are all nice in US. In fact, I will contradict myself. Even the europeans are a pain in the ass if you are not european. They threatened to have my brother in law arrested along with a bunch of other Indians, after they cancelled his flight and didn't want to provide accomodation or alternative flights after the first day. This was Air France btw. Did Air Deccan call the local inspector in on you?

Also, I don't think they are required to put lifejackets in on domestic flights if they are not flying over the sea.
i ve travelled domestic quite often by jet and am quite happy with it..hate deccan but cant complain for that price and king is average. even my mom travelled to spore recently by jet and said it was good.. so far no compaints with jet.. and the air sickness bag was always in the seat pocket in front .. something must have been screwed up on ur sisters flight kk :(
about life jackets on domestic flights you can strap on the seat cushion under u and use it as a floatation device
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