Airplane game

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Is there a good airplane game ?
I remember about 6/8 years ago I used to play this shitty game that was called F-22 raptor or something like that. Since then, have never heard of any such games.

Does anyone know of such a game ?
I would recommend HAWX too. It is awesome. But somehow, I found it much easier to play with the Keyboard rather than my XBox 360 controller.
....its feels much better to play on a controller ....better with might be easy with keyboard ..but tit wont be much enjoyable
You get used wid the controller and change the camera to cockpit mode!! N try it!! Its jus Insane!!! I Played it with my friends projector and in 3D!! It feels so real!! I m in age of 3D gaming!! Hahahahahaha
On the PC, I would probably go with:

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

Blazing Angels II: Secret Missions of WWII

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X

H.A.W.X if more of a modern flight combat game as opposed to the other 2 that I have mentioned. The first 2 are pure fun and challenging titles representing WWII style dog fights. The only drawback with Blazing Angles II is that it doesn't natively support the Xbox 360 controller. Also wait for H.A.W.X 2 to release, having completed it on the 360, it's even more kick-ass than the first game.
If you are looking for an actual simulator, get the Falcon 4.0, it's the closest you will get to flying an actual F-16, unless you are in the US, Israel or Pak Airforce :D

If your airplanes extend to space, I would recommend the Freespace 2, greatest space sim, one of the top 25 PC Games of all times according to the recent list by IGN.
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