Airtel 2 Mbps Shared Plans

I know most people would have come to know of this, so this is for those who dont knew about it yet.

Airtel's 2 Mbps shared plans are now available. Although most people who use their unlimited plans to download like crazy, they guaranteed wont like these plans. But others who use limited bandwidth and want increase in speed, will sure like them.

Rs 499, Free Usage 1GB p/m, with Rs. 50 voice pulses free.

Rs 699, Free Usage 2GB p/m, with Rs. 100 voice pulses free.

Rs 999, Free Usage 3GB p/m, with Rs. 200 voice pulses free.

Additional download 90 paise in 499 plan, and 80 paise in the other two plans.

PS: These plans are not available in Ghaziabad and some parts of Noida as of now.

Night reduced tariffs are available in all plans from 10:30PM to 6:30PM.

I dont know how much the above timings are discounted. But they are discounted for sure :p
Of Cuz Rio.....2 am to 8 am unlimited for 500 bucks .....I have been getting 250-255KB/s constant on http downloads....simple theory get 2 accounts , one 900 UL , one Home 500, so effectively for 1400 bucks + taxes u get arnd 7.5GB of data transfer a day easily.

Downtimes has been arnd 2-3 hrs for me total in last 3 & half I guess currently BSNL rocks for at least me a better deal for that amout of money & I will be obliged :p

Forgot to add I get pings of arnd 40-50 ms to SNG CSS servers...I dont play CSS though...just tested on being insisted by some pals here
What you're saying is BSNL is good for those who download a lot of stuff... I don't so I don't fall for unlimited usage during the wee hours of the morning - it's not convenient. About gaming, Airtel's stability and reliability is better... no spiking and no fluctuating latencies to Indian servers.

And finally, let's compare your downtime to my ZERO downtime in the last 23 months - yes, my only downtime of 2 weeks occurred when I moved to another house and I got a month's credit for the inconvenience ;)

Everyone has different priorities and my ideal connection is one that I can rely on because I work from home frequently. If I wanted to download everything available on the web, I'd already be with BSNL :)