Now after eternal battle for the 798nu plan not working on the hours that i am suppose to download Un-Limited which is 10pm to 8am, which is still not solved, there was also a bonus problem - i was not able to see my DSL usage for around 25 days of the scheme shift ( after i chose for 798nu )
I received a message on cellphone that my bill for the month of august 5th 2009, the month in which for around 20 days i had disconnection problem due to which i could not download during night, the time when i was suppose to download unlimited @ 521kbps ( 798nu ) i told the customer service manager and he said we would speak for lowering the bill after bill is generated because of net disconnection, Airtel has charged me 1700 Rs, where scheme's price is around 850 Rs, they say that i have exceeded my daytime alloted limit which is 5gb, Now the limit exceeded because for 90% of month i didn't knew what amount of mb have i used.
Now i will be calling Customer Service Exec on monday, ca you guys share some strong statement's that i can use against him so that i don't sound totally new to this, I've been through the thread's where people complain about Airtel charging for something they haven't used.
Please share your comments and knowledge, On monday.....I shall ( using what you people know ) chat with the manager.
I received a message on cellphone that my bill for the month of august 5th 2009, the month in which for around 20 days i had disconnection problem due to which i could not download during night, the time when i was suppose to download unlimited @ 521kbps ( 798nu ) i told the customer service manager and he said we would speak for lowering the bill after bill is generated because of net disconnection, Airtel has charged me 1700 Rs, where scheme's price is around 850 Rs, they say that i have exceeded my daytime alloted limit which is 5gb, Now the limit exceeded because for 90% of month i didn't knew what amount of mb have i used.
Now i will be calling Customer Service Exec on monday, ca you guys share some strong statement's that i can use against him so that i don't sound totally new to this, I've been through the thread's where people complain about Airtel charging for something they haven't used.
Please share your comments and knowledge, On monday.....I shall ( using what you people know ) chat with the manager.