Folks, before you flame me for opening a new thread, please read my ordial. I was a Sify broadband user since 2004 Feb. I had gone for the 1 gb plan at 256 kbps for 2400 Rs per month. Than as things improved I moved on to the 256 kbps unlimited plan at 850 Rs per month. Sify used to provide me consistantly with 33 KB speeds, but there were some problems that made me change my ISP.....
First and foremost was the Sify client for login. It was a pain in the b***. Secondaly every time there was rain, there was a problem with their cable or hub getting spoilt. An outage meant that the local dealer took at least a week to fix. In addition the dealer wanted 100 Rs maintainence charge even though his service provided was pathetic. And lastly I many times left downloads running in the morning, and with 150 mb limit I used to finish my entire plan in a day.
Than I decided to move on to MTNL on my parents PC. All the problems I used to face were gone on their pc. There was a minor speed drop, from 33KB to 31 KB but it was managable. There was never any outage from MTNL and their lines were always up. Only problem was that you had to fill forms to change plan and their call center execs dont know junk about broadband.
Finally I decided to get rid of Sify and go for Airtel in my room. I went for the Home 999. There was a considerable drop in speed over MTNL and Sify with bandwidth in the day just 25-26 KB. At the time of the connection airtel had not made me aware that their plan is 1:2. Meaning 128 kbps during the day and 256 kbps during night. However from 11:00 to 7:00 am the speed doubled to 50-55 KB. In addition it was day and night unlimited. It seemed like the answer to all my prayers. Though it was costing me almost 1100 Rs per month when you take into account the taxes. Their service was also very good with someone at your door step the next day you call them. However off late I just seem to have lost all my good feelings about Airtel, and what had seen as their UPS before now look like nothing but marketing gimmics.
Ever since MTNL/BSNL announced they were upgrading to 2 mbps there was talk how Airtel would outdo the govt. How airtel would answer its competetors and make them bite the dust. But 1 January came and went. Rather than seeing an increase in the speed, there was a decline on the contrary. My day speed dropped to 19 KB and night speed went to 40 KB. It was associated wtih the quake. In addition Airtel CC had no response to the MTNL speed increase, rather they had excuses handy. As weeks transpired I called Airtel CC repeatedly to ask them when would my speed be fixed. At this point I was told that the speeds I am getting are as per plan. So as per the CC a person paying 1100 Rs should not expect more than 19 KB during the day. After a lot of complaining, they sent a guy next day to my house, who just repeated the same jargon and left. So a rep coming is really no help as long as your speed doesnt drop below 14 KB during the day on a plan for which you pay 1100 Rs. Even if all other ISPs provide 30 KB day and night and a much lower cost. What was the coffin in the nail was that my parents MTNL is giving them 1400 kbps and I am stuck at 140 kbps. And my parents just pay 600 Rs for their connection which is night unlimited. So they can do 5 times more downloading than me, save on electricity and still pay half as much as I do.
This is the reason I opened this thread, to vent out my frustration and dissapointment at airtel. They are taking advantage from the fact that if I switch over to MTNL I would have to pay 1000 Rs as installation charge which I am trying not too. I want to give as much bad press to Airtel as possible as this is really not expected from a pvt ISP.
First and foremost was the Sify client for login. It was a pain in the b***. Secondaly every time there was rain, there was a problem with their cable or hub getting spoilt. An outage meant that the local dealer took at least a week to fix. In addition the dealer wanted 100 Rs maintainence charge even though his service provided was pathetic. And lastly I many times left downloads running in the morning, and with 150 mb limit I used to finish my entire plan in a day.
Than I decided to move on to MTNL on my parents PC. All the problems I used to face were gone on their pc. There was a minor speed drop, from 33KB to 31 KB but it was managable. There was never any outage from MTNL and their lines were always up. Only problem was that you had to fill forms to change plan and their call center execs dont know junk about broadband.
Finally I decided to get rid of Sify and go for Airtel in my room. I went for the Home 999. There was a considerable drop in speed over MTNL and Sify with bandwidth in the day just 25-26 KB. At the time of the connection airtel had not made me aware that their plan is 1:2. Meaning 128 kbps during the day and 256 kbps during night. However from 11:00 to 7:00 am the speed doubled to 50-55 KB. In addition it was day and night unlimited. It seemed like the answer to all my prayers. Though it was costing me almost 1100 Rs per month when you take into account the taxes. Their service was also very good with someone at your door step the next day you call them. However off late I just seem to have lost all my good feelings about Airtel, and what had seen as their UPS before now look like nothing but marketing gimmics.
Ever since MTNL/BSNL announced they were upgrading to 2 mbps there was talk how Airtel would outdo the govt. How airtel would answer its competetors and make them bite the dust. But 1 January came and went. Rather than seeing an increase in the speed, there was a decline on the contrary. My day speed dropped to 19 KB and night speed went to 40 KB. It was associated wtih the quake. In addition Airtel CC had no response to the MTNL speed increase, rather they had excuses handy. As weeks transpired I called Airtel CC repeatedly to ask them when would my speed be fixed. At this point I was told that the speeds I am getting are as per plan. So as per the CC a person paying 1100 Rs should not expect more than 19 KB during the day. After a lot of complaining, they sent a guy next day to my house, who just repeated the same jargon and left. So a rep coming is really no help as long as your speed doesnt drop below 14 KB during the day on a plan for which you pay 1100 Rs. Even if all other ISPs provide 30 KB day and night and a much lower cost. What was the coffin in the nail was that my parents MTNL is giving them 1400 kbps and I am stuck at 140 kbps. And my parents just pay 600 Rs for their connection which is night unlimited. So they can do 5 times more downloading than me, save on electricity and still pay half as much as I do.
This is the reason I opened this thread, to vent out my frustration and dissapointment at airtel. They are taking advantage from the fact that if I switch over to MTNL I would have to pay 1000 Rs as installation charge which I am trying not too. I want to give as much bad press to Airtel as possible as this is really not expected from a pvt ISP.