I've resolved the issue if anyone else is trying to achieve this but have no idea how insecure my network has become in the process, so follow this at your own risk. I did 3 things
1) Changed DNS to Google DNS
On the remote PC (PC you want to connect to) open start and type ncpa.cpl to open the Network Connections window, choose your adapter (ethernet in my case) and right click and open properties, scroll down to Internet Protocol version 6 and select it and click properties, then click "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter google's dns server addresses. Click ok. and close the adapter properties tab. Might not be necessary for everyone but it helped me because my remote PC intermittently kept showing up as having no ipv6 on test-ipv6.com
2) Login to the Airtel Router, Go to security, firewall and set default action for interface br0 for IPv6 direction In to "Permit". This probably will be different depending on your location and Airtel provided router, and I'm not sure how unsafe this is from a security standpoint to set it to Permit everything received on this interface by default, but without it I don't get an IPv6 address at all.
3) Go to the rules tab in the Firewall and select Packet direction ppp111InIPv6, click on add and add a rule to permit tcp packets on port 3389. This will also vary by router and probably can be made more secure by specifying source and destination address to limit vulnerability. "Select a service" dropdown has a bunch of different pre-configured options to select ports to whitelist, other ports can be whitelisted by selecting custom service, selecting protocol as "TCP or UDP" if you're unsure which protocol your service uses and entering in "Destination Port" textbox the port used by the service on the remote PC (can also be made more secure by specifying specific source and destination port)
After this I copied my remote PC's IPv6 address from test-ipv6.com and was able to use it to remote into it from my laptop.